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Jun 29, 2011

Blueprints for the New Human - Level 5 - Holograms of God

~ Hologram of God ~
Level 5

Releasing through the earlier levels of the holograms allows us now to connect to much higher levels of support and connection with the divine. And the purpose is to assist us to step up to the mark and to align ourselves with our destiny and life mission, and to take our place as the leaders of the new world, with all steps put in place that we are unblocked in the use of the wondrous higher gifts we bring to earth, and so that we may achieve success, personal fulfillment and peace and joy on earth.

Such love of us is shared in this activation. So overwhelming is the love that is channeled – and so great is the desire of the family of light to see us freed of our distortions of the past so that we can step into the opportunities that the recent eclipses have opened for us and made possible. The gathering of the energies can be felt, as all is put in place – and time is accelerating – and manifestation of thought into desire can be achieved.

And though you may doubt that you have a role of such importance to play, be aware that it is in our group energies that such greatness is achieved, with each of us holding a particular key which is so important.

We are the building blocks of the divine and play our role as those who transmit the blueprints and holograms for the new world – and in return, we receive such healing and transformation, which enables our participation.


And the entire series of holograms can be viewed and downloaded from the link


Temple of Heaven

We are anchoring Heaven on Earth at the Temple of Heaven – it is becoming a hologram of perfection of the new world – a foundation of purity and excellence - and there is the need to hold the purity intact and to transmute any negative energies that infiltrate. It is such a blessing to be living here, though sometimes challenging in what is asked of me.

The hologram that builds and is achieved may then be replicated, endlessly, throughout the grid of the new world, linking particularly between Bali and Australia. Corinne in central Australia and the Avalon pod and Kamulati on the east coast play anchoring roles. Where three or more are linked together, a triangle is created, and the Galactic Federation then utilises the group energies of our activations as the fuel to create the geometries which form the duplication of the holograms we anchor. And once one triangle is fully holographically formed, then the Ashtar Command turn that triangle onto its side, to create its duplicate, and again and again, until the grid is complete.

There is such power in gathering together in groups with love as the intent, for in the opening of our hearts in our dreams for a better world, for ourselves, for our families and beloved ones, and for our planet and for humanity – then we do indeed create this for all to enjoy.


We now have two beautiful Hindu temples on our land – one is to the supreme creator – and the other is to honour the sacred river. There are photos of the temple being carried in and also of the sacred kingfisher standing guard over the dawn from his new perch, at this link

A lovely Balinese man who has opened a local nursery has worked so hard to transform weeds into what will be rolling terraces of lawn below the temple building, and to make ‘pillows’, garden beds for vegetables and also for the sacred healing plants that we wish to grow. We feel so strongly the need to source and to grow these plants – and are finding much joy in those we have already planted.

Beautiful people continue to arrive on Thursdays at Temple of Heaven for our Blueprints activations at 10am each week - a wonderful stream of people walking through the very beautiful rice paddies to find our gorgeous temple.

Write to me if you are in Bali and would like to attend the activations and I will send you directions – and if you would like to tune in and be especially linked with us, let me know and we will call you in especially to receive from the group energies.


The Path of the Mystic sacred mystery school 11-18 July
A very beautiful group is forming, drawn from all parts of the world to attend the sacred mystery school, the first at the new Temple of Heaven location. I have been channeling the keeperships and it is intriguing to see higher mind at play, and the synergy of energies that will be created by this joining and linking of wondrous ones in the same place for 7 days, assisting in the creation of the new world through the release of ancient karmic memories of each, and in the allowing of the higher gifts to then anchor, and to be shared – and all are taken to such a high frequency and vibration which allows the highest heart dream and destiny to be entered – and for their role in the creation of the new world to be established and supported.

We have the prodigiously gifted Lino White Star attending mystery school and she will be available for healings and readings.

Joseph Lee, extraordinarily gifted yoga teacher will join also to lead us in meditation – with such a gift of purity, and the ability to assist each to reach that place of stillness and of interconnection with the divine.

For more information about the mystery school week go to this link


‘WOW! You have never had anything half this powerful come through you, to my awareness. Or, I have shifted enough that I can benefit like never before. “Powerful”? How about, “Log 10 Powerful”! “Coincidentally,” I was about 40 lines into the main part when one of my students called. I was led to read and channel the energies from your Invocation down to the beginning of the Hologram paragraphs, personalizing sections for her. She went through an immense release of much that she has held, then began repairing chakras and connections…then after ‘cleaning house’ she was receiving Light and Love from the Immaculate Heart of All That Is and going from ‘grey’ in many areas to Gold and Crystal Light. This process seemingly will continue for her for three months before she will undergo another large Coronation (Repatterning). Did I say “WOW!”? I am pretty sure that she went completely out of normal consciousness (long-distance call), as she was unable to speak at the end of the hour. I told her to gently come to realize the ‘new her’ and be very slow and gentle for several hours. I am going to your website now and send you a gift of half what she will Honor for this transformation, in respect and Gratitude for your radiation of the incoming Light’. www.IWillHealMyself/com Terry, US

Jos and I had a wonderful meditation, thank you for taking us in your loving heart. I am so grateful again to be able to receive so much. I received a lot angelic gifts again; also a golden pen, golden wings restored, freedom, wisdom, joy, happiness, balance of emotions, an open heart for unconditional love, and I heard: walking in your own shoes fully guided on your diamond mission dearly loved by the angels – and It is only a matter of time, you will heal completely, we all love your bravery you are a true lightworker, let nobody doubt on this, we love you and all assistance is given for your complete restoration, let go your doubts because faith is all you need, go on with your diamond mission, everything will work out fine, this is Divine Mother.’ Shianka, Amsterdam


With such love and appreciation – may our dreams manifest in joy,
Astrea SriAna


~ Holograms of God ~
Level 5

Breathe deeply, as we call in many angels, archangels, Elohim, Enlightened Masters, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, emissaries of light and love from the higher dimensions, ancient ones, sacred guardians and holders of all knowledge and wisdom through all dimensions, Gaia, the starry ones – your own Council of Light - all of the family of light gather around and hold you in love and make their connection with you – as you experience their love – and the heightened energies of expansion which now occur – and we open our hearts to receive the blessings they bring.

As you breathe deeply, many angelic ones place you within a cocoon and chamber of light and of love, connected to the Source realms, and to Gaia – as assistance is given you to open each of your chakras –connecting through the portals of your physical body with the parallel kingdoms within the crystal grids of the earth - connecting through your own diamond body of light - connecting the portals of your light body with the diamond grid of light which surrounds the universe, connecting with the galaxies, aligning with the galactic portals, aligning with the Great Central Sun and with your planet of origin - and connecting and aligning also with the chakra points and portals of earth – all gateways and portals opened and restored - fully calibrated and aligned to divine perfection - connecting with Gaia - and with the Flower of Life – with all assistance given that you are fully and divinely connected and aligned to the highest potential for transformation, for love, for joy, for peace, for truth - for abundance.

Breathe deeply, as each individual chakra of the galactic chakra rainbow bridge column of light, the 33 galactic chakras, is now assisted to open and to receive release of all distortion, and restoration, activation - and repatterning to its original divine blueprint.

Allow your heart to open, and as it opens and expands, offer up for release all sadness and pain, suffering, isolation, loneliness, confusion, doubt, separation and fear – breathing as you expand – and release – as you receive the release of all that saddens and limits you – and the angels and holy ones rejoice.

Expanding, and receiving an opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - breathing, breathing - able to receive the love of the angels and family of light which is pulsed to you so strongly. Opening your heart to receive all the love that these ones pulse to you - and expanding with love as this love fills you – and all careworn sadness and disappointment is released from you - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness and doubt and fear.

Breathing this love up into your thymus chakra, your higher heart, receiving a lifting from your thymus of the pain and fear you experience in your connection with humanity and its darkness, desolation and fear and heaviness.

Divine Mother places her Pearl of Compassion into your thymus, which opens your heart to all others - while providing protection - enabling you to open wide your heart, without suffering or pain or being drained of energy by others.

Receive disconnection from the collective pain and fear-based consciousness of humanity – as an amethyst of divine protection is placed within your thymus chakra – that you may be free of the heaviness and dense negativity and pain of the collective consciousness. As lightworkers it is not your reality to be connected to this grid of fear – for your role is to bring high frequencies of light and love – and so you are given all that you require in the way of protection and separation from this group consciousness of mankind.

Breathe the love of the Family of Light into your throat and receive a lifting and release of your doubts, hesitations and fears - and of the fears of others’ judgements and criticisms – the fear of making mistakes, and of being shamed by others - allowing you to stand in your power and master and truth. Your separateness, solitude and loneliness is released from you – and sadness and disappointment and doubt releases - as you receive assistance to step into your mastery, and the new life that is ahead.

And the love is breathed into the third eye, seat of your abilities and gifts, energised with healing light - expanding and filling the third eye with light and restoring the divine gifts in this chakra.

And breathing up through the crown chakra – as all distortions and blockages
release – and your crown chakra receives reconnection with the divine realms, with God, and the angels, and the family of light - and the higher chakras are restored, activated, repatterned – and connected with all multi-dimensional realms of importance to you. Breathe deeply to receive connection – energised and filled with golden Source light.

Breathing up through the higher chakras, and with assistance given, passing through all the suns and moons, to the celestial realms, the galactic, universal and cosmic realms, to Source, to Father Mother God - connecting with your Divine Presence - and expanding in this connection - as Divine Presence anchors and aligns with your column of light.

And the divine energy spills over from your crown and fills all of your light body, filling you with pulses of light and restoration to your divine blueprint - expanding, expanding as wholeness is received.

Breathing now as we open and restore the lower chakras. The healing love is pulsed down into your solar plexus, releasing all fears and insecurities, hesitations and doubts of your abilities - releasing all hesitations to move forward through initiations within which you may be stuck – as you ponder on the current situations in your life where you are stuck and not able to move forward, and on the patterns that surface that you are unable to walk beyond - as these incomplete initiations are taken from you and dissolved.

You are pulsed with all assistance to continue strongly and firmly on your path of mastery, moving through all obstacles and doubts, leaving the old patterns of struggle behind. All the love and assistance that you need is given so that you may walk proudly and confidently forward on your path.

Your hara, at your navel, receives the pulses of divine light – as all issues and challenges of power are shown to you – and clearly able to be accepted and acknowledged – fear of others’ power, doubt of your own power – where you give power to others, and where it is taken from you – or where you disempower and take power from others - as powerlessness is released – and your power centre receives restoration.

The sacral chakra receives healing pulses of love - releasing the blockages to your creative gifts – as ancient patterns of disempowerment and of distorted behaviour release.

You are assisted to acknowledge that each part of your life has played a role in preparation for your higher path. Everything which has gone ahead – has prepared and paved the way for your excellence and mastery which lies ahead – as you now confidently step forward having released the limiting fears and blockages and patterns of behaviour which formerly have held you back from stepping forward fully into brilliance and mastery.

Breathing in the divine energy as it releases the old patterns and blockages which restrict your ability to create - to create within your mastery - as your mastery is restored to you, unrestricted and unobstructed by the ancient patterns of doubt and uncertainty and fear and pain – which are taken from you.

And any issues and challenges of sexuality which disturb and sadden and disempower in your memories of these times of challenge – are acknowledged – as the memories and disturbance receive their release.

Breathing the love down into your base chakra, receiving this feeling of safety and security, of being firmly connected, as you receive all of the support and love of Gaia and of your Family of Light – as you accept the support of these realms pulsed to you.

And offering to your Family of Light your cares and concerns of survival and physical existence. Hand your fears to them – and ask for what you need that will bring most ease, and joy, and fulfillment and grace to your life. Ask for what it is you need that will bring ease and fulfillment to your life – and hand over all struggle and fear and pain.

And ponder on your belief that you are separate from god, abandoned, uncared for – that god and the angels listen to others, and not you – and that you are unable to have your physical needs fully met – the belief that you are worthless and not able to easily receive what you need and what you ask for the ease and joy and fulfillment of your physical life – as the original akashic records that lie at the core of these beliefs – and these are of the original separation from god – receive their release, with karmic absolution across all timelines and dimensions.

And receive restoration of your rod of power through your hara, connecting down through your lower chakras – and receiving reconnection through the sacral with the heart and the higher chakras – restoring the full chakra column in its connection with the heavenly realms, shut down in Ancient Egypt – as all processes are put in place for full restoration.

Breathing the love down, down, and through your Link chakra between your knees – such an important chakra - missing, incomplete, not activated in most lightworkers – which forms the interconnection between your physical life and your higher multidimensional self – restoring this chakra – and with your breath send the energy down through your feet, through the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet in the earth, restoring this chakra also, and into the crystal heart of Gaia - receiving full connection with the earth and middle and inner earth realms – as you breathe up this love and nurturing, connection, support and abundance as it is pulsed to you – experiencing safety, support, stability, abundance as you breathe this energy up, and into your heart - expanding and filling all of your energy bodies - the love of Gaia merging with the love of your Divine Presence - and expanding into this love as it washes your entire light body, raising your vibration, releasing all blockages and limitations – and restoring you to your divine blueprint of mastery and magnificence, purity and love.

Breathing this love and light into your being, breathing it into your heart, and in its expansion receiving a releasing of the distortions of memory and patterns of behaviour of the emotions and the mind – as you breathe – and acknowledge your challenges and fears and sadness and pain and patterns of distortion - offering up and surrendering for release all sadness, disappointment, pain, grief, regret, anger, confusion, doubt and fear.

Expand and receive a further opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - with much assistance given - the open and feeling heart, able to receive the love which is now pulsed to you by so many angels who are with you always - experiencing great expansion as this love floods your being - removing all careworn sadness and disappointment - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness.


In this expanded state, receive the anchoring now of the Holograms of God, of Divinity, of Inter-Connection with the Divine, of Linking and Interconnection with Illustrious Planet of Origin, of Co-operative Support by the Divine, of Divine Inspiration, of Divine Providence, of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is, of Divine Support of Creation, of Trust in the Divine, of Susceptibility to the Divine, of Acknowledgement of the Divine and of Gratitude and Love of the Divine.

Hologram of God
Allow your own god presence to be known - to connect with the divinity that you hold in the higher realms – and to allow the distortions and the memories of the aeons that have ensued since the original separation from beloved father and mother god – and the breaking into fragments of soul groups - to be annihilated in the memories of separation that they bring. And with your intent and your desire for wholeness and for ascension with your god, allow connection with your own divine presence to be achieved – as the angels from all realms and dimensions accede to your desire and request – to put into place all processes that will allow the god which is you to be known, and to be restored to you – and to be enjoyed in the mastery and unlimitedness that is yours.

And where there is doubt of god, and anger, and regret, and fear and doubt – then accept that you have held these emotions – and that they have resulted from the aeons of separation, of being without the godliness that is yours – and accept the casting away of memory and of trauma – and the records receive their release, transmuting all that has ever occurred since the original separation from god, with karmic release and forgiveness – and accept your wholeness restored as all parts of self receive their return Home to God – as you receive the Hologram of God.

Hologram of Divinity
Where you have had experiences where you have lost sight of the divinity within, where you have made mistakes across all the aeons of existence, errors of judgement, and where you incurred karma, the need for karmic retribution and balance – and where there is outstanding karma that you have not yet fulfilled – then open yourself to your divinity and to your desire for the slate to be cast clean – and allow your own god presence, with the Karmic Board in attendance, to negate any further need for the ongoing journeying around the wheels of karma – as all akashic records of your soul which hold you in distortion and in the need for karmic retribution are cast aside, washed clean, with absolution and forgiveness.

And know yourself as divine, and as great waves and pulses of godliness and of original divinity sweep through you – allow forgiveness of self, and of all others, and of all experiences ever since the original separation from your divinity – as all is taken from you of memory of those times especially of divine lifetimes of service where there was mission upon earth, for humanity, in times of great need upon the earth, where great distortion occurred among our lightworkers, and many were the failings that occurred. And especially those which are the memories of pain and trauma and of disconnection, of great need and of solitary aloneness, where you felt yourself unable to have your needs met – and where there was such regret and anger at the imperfections of self, and of peers and soul mates and of soul family and of god – allow all distorted and painful and disempowering memories, records, experiences, beliefs, programs, patterns and seals which have resulted to be released from you, with the full forgiveness of self and of all others. And accept the Hologram of Divinity.

Hologram of Inter-Connection with the Divine
There have been times when you have lost your inter-connection with the divine, times of trauma and of separation and of sadness and pain. There have been earth lifetimes where you have shut down your higher chakras as a means of protection from their improper use by others, or of doubt in your own ability to discern the proper use of your gifts. There have been times when you were unable to sustain the huge frequencies which were transmitting through you and when you shut down your higher chakras as a means of survival on earth.

There have been times when you have believed yourself denied entry to the divine, fearing the wrath of god at your perceived loss of grace through mistakes and errors of judgement you felt yourself to have made. There have been times when you have felt yourself to have stepped so far beyond the divinity within, that never could it be regained, this connection for which you now yearn.

And allow karmic forgiveness to be received as the Karmic Board releases all distorted records, memories, experiences, beliefs, programs, patterns and seals from every cell and every dimension of your being.

With your breath, allow the angels from all the realms to now place you within an especial cocoon and healing chamber which holds all of the Source rays of divinity – allowing your inter-connection with your own divinity, and with all realms of the divine that hold importance for you, to be known and enjoyed for all time.
And passing through the dimensions and the timelines, allow all to receive its full restoration in purity, truth, love, acceptance and divinity – as all vows you may have made which have resulted in your disconnection from the divine are annulled through all timelines and through all dimensions – and the Hologram of Inter-Connection with the Divine is received.

Hologram of Linking and Interconnection with Illustrious Planet of Origin
That place from which you first enjoyed incarnation as one of light who held form, that place of original divine origin - allow memory to now enter – of the joyous realm which holds your higher soul gifts, your mastery, your beauty, your magnificence, your purity, your wisdom and your knowledge and truth - that place which holds and celebrates with renown your illustriousness. And as the memory returns, and the joy and divinity are enabled to be known again, allow now the inter-linking and inter-connection with that place of home to be restored to you – and with the angels holding you in grace and in love, allow all higher multidimensional soul gifts of mastery and beauty and of truth and of creation to be given you, that you may embody these upon earth in assistance to humanity in completion of your life mission upon earth – accepting the Hologram of Linking and Interconnection with your Illustrious Planet of Origin.

Hologram of Co-Operative Support by the Divine
Accept your placement upon your destiny path as a divine one upon earth who brings the blueprints of original divinity, for self, and for humanity, and for the divine plan and the new world – and accept now as the angels of grace and of all realms of beauty and of divinity shower you with the assistance that is given you, that which you sought before ever you incarnated into this lifetime, and that which was agreed as put in place for you to ensure that all of your physical and spiritual needs were met.

With your breath accept and enjoy this showering of grace and of blessings – and know that you have reconnected with that which was chosen and demanded by you in exchange for your service role for humanity.

And where you feel your needs to have been denied, not heard, not able to be received – then make your requests for that which you need, and that which will bring you greater ease and enjoyment and fulfillment and personal success and peace and joy. And know that your pleas are indeed heard by the divine and by all of the angels who support and assist you and guide and lead you on your earthly path – accepting the Hologram of Co-operative Support by the Divine as that which is yours in honour and in love.

Hologram of Divine Inspiration
Divinely guided, divinely inspired – accept interconnection with the realms of your magnificence and with the libraries of truth and wisdom and of higher knowledge of all realms and dimensions, those which hold your destiny within their archives, where knowledge is known of that which is there for you, in mission, and also in assistance, in that which is given you – and accept also interconnection with the realms through all dimensions which hold your mastery and your soul gifts – accepting also connection with all realms of the divine that will hold you and lead you and inspire you in alignment with that which you have chosen and agreed to bring to humanity and to the new world – as you accept the Hologram of Divine Inspiration.

Hologram of Divine Providence
There is that which has been chosen by you as that which you would require for your earthly life – and there has been the assistance that you have required to release yourself of your karmic residues – for all that you require is given you – and that which is asked of you is your continuing willingness to accept and to own and to acknowledge those issues which are yours which hold distortion – and in return you are given the release of that which you acknowledge.

And as you now reach that place where the timelines align to bring you now into your mastery and full magnificence – there are those opportunities, of destiny choices and partners that have been put in place between you and your family of light – and these are given you now – negating the need for further karmic cleansing and balancing. With the Lords of Time in acquiescence, the timelines receive their alignment to bring you now into the providence of the opportunities, the blessings, the grace, the plenty, the peace and joy and truth and love that you have desired as that which is yours for this lifetime of fulfillment of your service to humanity.

With your breath open yourself to receive all that is desired for your life – and accept the anchoring of the Hologram of Divine Providence.

Hologram of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is
Where you have felt yourself denied luck and fortuitous opportunities – accept that there have been karmic blockages within timelines which have stood in the way of your full receipt of the realms of grace and of luck and fortune. And as you acknowledge those which are your own blocks to luck – your doubts and fears and insecurities and lack of faith and trust – accept their karmic release, and allow the need for further journeying through these initiations of lack to be annulled and taken from you.

And allow the angels now to connect you with the Flower of Life, the Web of Light and with the Realms of Grace – aligning also with the synchronistic realms of destiny and of love – and with all realms that will support you upon your life path and mission path – and accept the anchoring now of the Hologram of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is.

Hologram of Divine Support of Creation
Allow your original creation divine blueprints to be restored and received – activated and aligned through all dimensions of your being. Allow your connection with the creation realms to be restored to you, with the gift and ability of manifestation. And allow your third eye and your higher dimensional chakras to be restored and activated, aligning and connecting you with the creation realms and with your power and gift of creation. And receive reconnection with the love, light, power and creation grids of the earth. And accept the impulses of trust and faith and truth that are imbued now, pulsed to you by the angels of creation – and accept and know and trust that you hold a role within the creation of the new world and that it is your own impulses and desires for perfection for self and for humanity that lie at the core of your role – and know and trust that your role of creation for the new world and for humanity is divinely supported by all of the realms of light. With joy accept the anchoring of the Hologram of Divine Support of Creation.

Hologram of Trust in the Divine
Across your lifetimes there have been those times of lack and of trauma and of pain, and we speak particularly of those lifetimes of service to the divine and to humanity in Lemuria and Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, for these were the lifetimes of great trauma and suffering for our beloved workers of the light – and these were the lifetimes where trust in the divine was lost – for there was great suffering, and lack – and there was disconnection from the divine – and there was for many the inability to receive all needs met. And these sufferings have resulted in a lack of trust in the divine plan and a lack of trust of self and of others. Accept that this suffering and this lack of ability to trust has been experienced – just accept and allow the pain and suffering to be taken from you – and know that you have passed now beyond your need to suffer further.

Accept the Hologram of Trust in the Divine, and know that the past has been annulled, negated – and you may now hold this trust of self and of the divine as your reality – as the divine plan aligns and your own role is met – and as the memories which hinder and block the trust that brings all of your needs met – are released and taken from you.

Hologram of Susceptibility to the Divine
There have been experiences in which you have shut down your connection with the divine, or where this received interference in its ability to receive the full impulses of divine light and power as your source of strength and love. Allow the Karmic Board to release the karmic records and memories of blockage and of interference and of shut-down – and allow your full sensitivity and receptivity to the divine realms of light and of inspiration and love and munificence to be restored to you, with gratitude and joy – as the Hologram of Susceptibility to the Divine is anchored.

Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine
Where there has been mistrust and denial of the truth and perfection of the divine plan – and this has resulted from those lifetimes of service to humanity, especially in Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt – where civilisations were lost and failure occurred – and the divine plan became mistrusted – when the dualities of earthly life were experienced, and divinity was unable to be sustained by so many – and where regret and failure and great overpowering sadness is held still as memory and reality – there has been the resultant denial of the perfection of the divine – and there has been the resultant desire of the individual to control the reality of self, and of others – denying the ability of the divine to bring peace and power as the reality of self and of humanity … then accept and offer for release and surrender your doubts of god, the family of light, of self, and of the divine – surrender your doubts that you will be cared for sufficiently – and allow your control mechanisms to release – allow release of your desire to control every thought and emotion and moment and direction and aspect of your life – and accept that you are so tired of holding this control – and with great relief and with joy accept the anchoring of the Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine – as you accept trust to now hold and support you as you open to meet and to gather together with your destiny partners – and as you receive the destiny openings and opportunities that will support all of your days as those who are so special in god’s eyes. With joy, accept the impulses of trust and faith in the divine to fill you and to thrill you and to restore you in acceptance of your path of light, receiving the Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine.

Hologram of Gratitude and Love of the Divine
Trust restored, faith imbued, acceptance and love of your self and of your life returned – in gratitude allow your heart to open in acceptance of all of your experiences – and accept your placement upon your ascension path – with gratitude expanding your heart so greatly for the opportunity for this experience which is life at this great time for humanity – trusting and accepting that all of the heavens assist and support you in that which you achieve for self and for humanity and the new world which builds – and accept the Hologram of Gratitude and Love of the Divine.


With your breath, receive clearing, repatterning, restoration to original divine blueprint of each crystal, chakra and vortex, portal and gateway of each diamond plate of your multidimensional bodies of light, calling for release of all karmic memories and records of distortion which are held, with grace and ease

- commencing with the diamond plate of the body of Soul DNA
- the body of Genetic DNA
- Physical body
- Etheric body
- Emotional body
- Mental body
- Spiritual body
- Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine body
- Star body
- Solar/Lunar body
- Soul body
- the body of Divine Presence
- and the multidimensional soul gateways

Cleared of distortions, and your bodies of light ablaze with flowing light, breathe these energies into your being, held by angels and Masters – as you now unburden your heart of all suffering and pain and confusion – receiving transmissions of grace and many blessings of love.


And travelling deeper now into the heart, breathe deeply, deeply cocooned in soft love, as we travel to the temple of your heart, a beautiful temple with a golden domed ceiling and sparkling white columns of crystal quartz and mosaics and geometries of deepest rose quartz on the floors and walls.

There are 4 angels – your own personal angelic guides who make their connection with you, and pulse you with their love – as you ask for their assistance and guidance in those areas of your life where you are needing help. These ones are waiting for your permission, to help you – if you ask for their help – as they are so willing and ready to help in every area of your life.

Held by angels you are able to acknowledge in yourself the patterns you hold – of distortion, of sadness and pain and disempowerment, fear, anger, chaos, disillusion, jealousy, judgement, impatience, bitterness, lack of trust and lack of faith, and confusion and lack of direction – and acknowledge your own part in any challenges that are playing out in your life, and accept that within the Law of Attraction you have attracted to you what you hold as distortion and as karmic records of your soul – and may surrender and hand over all distortion and pain, sadness, disempowerment, loneliness and lack of trust – as the Karmic Board offers for release with full karmic absolution the original akashic records of your soul which lie beneath and at the core of the patterns you have acknowledged. In special dispensation, the akashic records of your soul are offered for release across all timelines and all dimensions, with karmic absolution and without the need for further initiations.

Within your heart temple you are able now to offer acceptance and forgiveness for all that has happened in your lifetime – bringing to forgiveness all that may be unresolved in your lifetime, forgiving father and mother and brothers and sisters, children, loved ones, lovers, friends and acquaintances with whom you have unresolved issues that create pain for you – as you are assisted to forgive now and to allow the past to be put behind you – as Archangel Michael cuts the karmic cords which may have tied you to painful experiences and memories which are connected to experiences of ancient times of disempowerment and pain and sadness which have pulled you so often into the disempowerment and sadness of your memories of the past.

And within the temple of your heart we may find those aspects of self which are wounded and in separation and in fear – soul extensions of past and parallel lifetimes who are wounded and suffering – as you acknowledge where you are in pain and fear and disempowerment and suffering, anger, chaos, disillusion, lack of faith, and confusion and lack of clarity and direction – acknowledging the existence of the distortions that create all of your life experiences - and these aspects of self, soul extensions, receive cosmic tools of healing – as you open your heart to these ones in love of them and of their experiences – as a rainbow bridge of light is anchored into your heart to allow these ones to return to you, healed and no longer in separation and in sabotage of you and your path – and they return in a steady stream – and will continue – until all parts which are in separation receive their return Home in wholeness.


And you may unburden the heart of all that saddens and limits you – receiving many transmissions of healing and restoration – as your heart and your being open further – to your higher purpose and life mission and destiny – and you may open yourself to receive knowledge of your life path and direction – for this to make itself known – and to receive the transmissions of blessings that your life path may align, and all destiny partners and destiny opportunities may be put in place, and received – with impulses of bravery and courage, trust, faith and love received now.


And there is a turquoise pool within the temple of your heart – and assisted by angels to untie your golden cord of divinity from around your waist, and to take off your robe of purest white – you may safely dive into the pool in the temple of your heart – and wash off all remaining distortion and pain and fear, doubt, sadness and grief – as all washes away and is taken from you.

And you may offer yourself forgiveness for any imperfection, any error of judgement or mistake you have ever made – and apologise to those you may have hurt – and receive their forgiveness.

And those who have hurt you and caused you grief and pain – within the temple of your heart you are assisted and able to forgive these ones – and to see the bigger picture – that you have chosen your karmic partners to play out between you the imbalances which will ultimately set you free of the distortions of ages past – and to accept now the release of all blame and judgement and pain and separation and grief – as the cords between you and each of your karmic partners where there are unresolved issues between you – are cut, with karmic absolution – and an end is put to all initiations of karmic redress and imbalance.

Ablaze with light, with all gateways opened, cleared, activated – with karmic distortions and blockages released – open yourself now to receive repatterning and restoration of your angelic matrix and angelic master body, your initial divine state, upon which all other higher bodies of light may anchor – as your angelic wings are restored to you – and the angelic gifts are returned.

Your galactic presence signature is activated through all chakras and bodies of light – as you open yourself to receive the restoration of your soul gifts, higher gifts of light.

Allow the higher multidimensional bodies of light to be received, and for connection with the love, light, power and creation grids of heaven and of earth, and for all processes to be put in place for your ultimate wholeness, and ascension with your god.

With love allow your keepership to be activated and anchored to earth – that you may embody your mastery and magnificence.

The Crystal of Disengagement is anchored and activated – that you may rise above all lower realities – and reside in the New World – detaching from physical distortion and pain, as you open your heart, and take your awareness up and above the third dimension and its cares and concerns and struggles of fear and suffering – and receive reconnection with the godstreams – where all is unlimited – without pain or limitation – experiencing disengagement and detachment from lower reality suffering and pain – and bliss, peace, safety and freedom from care – as you safely flow in the energies of the divine - and this may be your new reality, of unlimitedness, joy, peace, fulfillment and love.

Your Council of Light intensifies their love as your Galactic Presence, Divine Presence anchors and commences mergence with you –- and as all energies of transmission of excellence and wholeness now receive alignment.

Open your hearts, your beings, in gratitude – and allow your heart’s deepest dreams to surface with yearning and love.

What are your dreams for your life? If money, and time, and opportunity, was not an issue – what is it that you would love to do, that would create in you such joy and fulfillment? We are meant to create in joy, and play – and it is that which we do most easily, and with most joy – that is our gift to the world.

Ask for the opportunities you require – to allow you to step forward into the life of your highest and deepest dreams.

And open your hearts to receive the blessings of the angels and holy ones
– in gratitude and joy receive.

And as you expand in gratitude, original divinity now experienced in the fullest flows of love, and as your path of magnificence opens to you with such assistance and support given in all areas of your life, your heart and your being open wide to enable you to receive the Holograms of Divine Perfection, as you sing the mantras to allow these to anchor through you and to Gaia and to her sacred portals and grids of light














And as the worlds separate and shift, the new etheric body for Gaia is achieved, holding all of the templates and holograms of perfection, holding the ideal and dream and possibility for perfection for each of her inhabitants. And open your hearts and your beings in willingness to live your reality as one which interconnects with Gaia’s highest reality – in the ideals of trust, truth, love, sharing, equality, justice and plenty from which you will expand your energies outwards – to live the life of your dreams. And as the shift occurs, and the old world with its many distortions is left behind – accept your placement upon your destiny path as a Dreamer of the New World, one who lives a higher reality of all possibility within the deepest core of your highest heart’s dreams. And make your intent, in willingness to continue to break free from every distortion that comes into your life, to live the life of your fullest dreams of fulfillment on earth and in completion of your divine life contracts.

And as you flow in the blissful streams of godliness, receive all the support and love that will sustain all of your days within your life plan as leaders and Dreamers of the New World – flowing with the godstreams - as you make your requests, and receive all that you require for fulfillment, peace, and connection with the divine that will sustain every area of your life. You are revered for your roles and all that you request as that which will bring most ease, grace, fulfillment and love is given you.

With joy and love, in wholeness and bliss and empowered as Dreamers to play your role as divine models and holograms of divinity, share with your voices the anchoring of the Divine Templates as the worlds shift and move and all possibilities are put in place - toning and sounding and making your Oms - to share with humanity the new realities made possible by your group work, and with Gaia and her portals, her waterways and oceans and with her animals and devas and realms and kingdoms and with humanity. I Am Divine Father God.


In September I was given 100 Divine Holograms of Divine Perfection, Creation Blueprints of Divine Wholeness to anchor to earth as part of the planetary work we share in Dreaming the New World. The templates are grouped into 9 monthly activations –

1. Hologram of Physical Perfection
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Health
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Fearlessness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Joy
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Happiness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Peace
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Plenty
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Equality
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Justice
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Impermeability
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Implausibility

2. Holograms of Wholeness
Hologram of Innocence
Hologram of Purity
Hologram of Vitality
Hologram of Courage
Hologram of Faith
Hologram of Serenity
Hologram of Truth
Hologram of Integrity
Hologram of Perfection of Attitude
Hologram of Acceptance
Hologram of Contentment
Hologram of Fulfillment
Hologram of Satisfaction
Hologram of Capability
Hologram of Competency
Hologram of Equilibrium
Hologram of Approbation
Hologram of Merit

3. Hologram of Beauty
Hologram of Simplicity
Hologram of Unconditionality
Hologram of Reason

4. Hologram of Release of Sorrow
Hologram of Release of Guilt
Hologram of Release of Regret
Hologram of Release of Anger
Hologram of Release of Bitterness
Hologram of Release of Jealousy

5. Hologram of God
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Inter-Connection with the Divine
Hologram of Linking and Interconnection with Illustrious Planet of Origin
Hologram of Co-operative Support by the Divine
Hologram of Divine Inspiration
Hologram of Divine Providence
Hologram of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is
Hologram of Divine Support of Creation
Hologram of Trust in the Divine
Hologram of Susceptibility to the Divine
Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine
Hologram of Gratitude and Love of the Divine

6. Hologram of Divine Perfection
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Restoration to Wholeness with the Divine
Hologram of Angelic Restoration to Divine Blueprint
Hologram of Restoration of Bodies of Light and Multidimensionality
Hologram of Galactic Gifts and Nature
Hologram of Illustriousness
Hologram of Divine Mind
Hologram of Impeccability
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Clarity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Speech, Oration, Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Power
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positivity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positive Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Focus
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intent
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Creativity
Hologram of Creation Ability

7. Hologram of Love
Hologram of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Heart Opening
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Gentle Heart
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Affectionate Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intimate Love
Hologram of Enamoured Love
Hologram of Romantic Love
Hologram of Peaceful and Happy Heart
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love

8. Hologram of Perfection
Hologram of Divine Plan
Hologram of Soul Path
Hologram of Life Path
Hologram of Soul Purpose
Hologram of Divine Path
Hologram of Soul Partners
Hologram of Mergence with Soul Partners
Hologram of Soul Gifts
Hologram of Fruition of Heart’s Dreams
Hologram of Success

9. Hologram of New World
Hologram of the New World
Hologram of Children of the Divine
Hologram of Simplistic Creation
Hologram of Evolution
Hologram of Education

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together.

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together

‘The earth changes may receive their culmination when a percentage of 30% of humanity is in heightened reconnection with the divine within, and the relentless nature of the continuing destruction-based onslaughts will, by the great heart opening that occurs in sadness at the continuing levels of huge pain and loss within brother and sister that results, bring heightened levels of divinity which may reach its timely commencement with the hallowed time of such speculation (2012). And so it is not the destruction that occurs that is the prime reason for the losses, but it is the heart opening and softening and love of one for another, one for all, that is the fulcrum which, in rising from disillusionment towards sad love of others, lifts all from the percentile reached, and indeed the fulcrum of love and hope propels all upon their journey Home.’ Lady Ashtar

We all play our role in this great heart opening that is occurring,
sharing our love and our wholeness with humanity
that the hearts of all may open, and we may journey Home.

Jun 9, 2011

Dreaming the New World - Blueprints for the New Human - Level 4 - Holograms of Release of Sorrow

~ Holograms of Release of Sorrow ~
Level 4

The fourth level of the holograms, so very beautiful, releasing sorrow, guilt, regret, anger, bitterness and jealousy – and finding such freedom in the release. And as the recurring patterns release, and also the records and memories of the akasha that lie behind and at the core of these programs that run us and cause such sadness and disempowerment – in the vacuum which is created as the distortions release – then the holograms and blueprints of original divine perfection are anchored and are embodied.

The activations offer recurring opportunities to find forgiveness for ourselves for any mistake we have ever made – and also to come to terms with all of our experiences and memories, and to forgive those who may have hurt us. In forgiving, held in safety and able in the enhanced energies of the divine that cocoon us in these activations, we are able to accept and to forgive – and as full forgiveness is able to be offered, then the karmic cords which have until now tied us relentlessly and pulled us back so often to our memories and reinforced the patterns that have been running us, painfully – these are able to be cut forever – and we are freed. Forgiveness and acceptance of all that has occurred – such a gift we receive to hold us and assist us to come to terms with and to let go of and release all that has hurt and disempowered us. No useful purpose is served by holding grudges and blame and hatred – in fact we are held bound from ever achieving our blossoming into greatness.

Throughout the series of activations, always we are releasing further and deeper levels of distortion – each activation allows a new and deeper level to surface and to release - and then allowing the new holograms to be received in the vacuum that results. This is the trade-off in working with the activations and holograms as part of our planetary work – releasing distortions and achieving heightened frequencies of the new paradigms for humanity. We act as dreamers and as leaders of the new world, embodying the new frequencies – and sharing them with Gaia and her portals, and with humanity.

The holograms of Release of Guilt, Regret, Anger, Bitterness and Jealousy can be viewed and downloaded from the link And the entire series of holograms can be viewed and downloaded from the link


Energy is building now for the first sacred mystery school 11-18 July at the new Temple of Heaven location, a place of high energy and stunning scenery, standing under the gaze of the sacred volcano Gunung Agung and accessed by a 10 minute walk along a narrow path which follows the subak rice paddy water system, with rice paddies on either side. The circular building sits in the lap of nature, perched at the edge of a ravine of such natural beauty and power.

The Ascended Masters and all of the family of light gather to be with us in this sacred week, such a blessing and an opportunity to be in these energies whose purpose is the release of all blockage and patterns and memories of trauma, pain and disempowerment, and enabling transformation, anchoring of the higher multidimensional bodies of light and higher gifts. There is much information on the website if you feel drawn to come to Bali and be part of this beautiful week.


Beautiful people have been visiting Temple of Heaven each Thursday, we love it!. You can tune in each Thursday at 10am Bali time to connect with us as the holograms are anchored, spreading to all humanity as the holograms of wholeness upon which the new world will build as foundation. Each Thursday for four weeks we will anchor this level of these holograms, starting then with the next level until we have anchored all 9 levels, 101 holograms. Write to me if you would like to attend, and I will send you directions.


"I experienced a considerable shift in my energies as I viewed the Hologram of Beauty. Thank you Astrea and all Divine." Terry McGill, US

Love your Temple of Heaven, and need to walk that floor one day. Hope you are well, happy and at peace there and within, you certainly look it on the images on FB. I know about the struggles, the worries and anticipation it involved, but I want to thank you for all you do. Your greatest gift to me is your absolute belief in this building, and manifesting it, what lessons you teach beautiful friend. With love, may you walk in Beauty always. Amora

Opened my computer to mail you and found the new meditations, thank you so much!
And thank you for your "poetic story" about living in the ricefields and trying to live your life in that beauty far from collective consciousness. Beautiful to read and I can imagine a little bit how different this life is comparing it with the time in Happy House! Back to nature again and back to yourself, so great to know we are never alone, always connected by heart and spirit and loved by so many. Still some moments feeling lonesome, and love to meet and actually see and feel and touch others around us! Thinking of you so much, inviting you in my heart so many times in my morning meditation and blessing your inner sparks of life with my diamond mission. Shianka, Amsterdam


With such love and appreciation – may our dreams manifest in joy,
Astrea SriAna


~ Holograms of Sorrow ~
Level 4

Breathe deeply, as we call in many angels, archangels, Elohim, Enlightened Masters, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, emissaries of light and love from the higher dimensions, ancient ones, sacred guardians and holders of all knowledge and wisdom through all dimensions, Gaia, the starry ones – your own Council of Light - all of the family of light gather around and hold you in love and make their connection with you – as you experience their love – and the heightened energies of expansion which now occur – and we open our hearts to receive the blessings they bring.

As you breathe deeply, many angelic ones place you within a cocoon and chamber of light and of love, connected to the Source realms, and to Gaia – as assistance is given you to open each of your chakras –connecting through the portals of your physical body with the parallel kingdoms within the crystal grids of the earth - connecting through your own diamond body of light - connecting the portals of your light body with the diamond grid of light which surrounds the universe, connecting with the galaxies, aligning with the galactic portals, aligning with the Great Central Sun and with your planet of origin - and connecting and aligning also with the chakra points and portals of earth – all gateways and portals opened and restored - fully calibrated and aligned to divine perfection - connecting with Gaia - and with the Flower of Life – with all assistance given that you are fully and divinely connected and aligned to the highest potential for transformation, for love, for joy, for peace, for truth - for abundance.

Breathe deeply, as each individual chakra of the galactic chakra rainbow bridge column of light, the 33 galactic chakras, is now assisted to open and to receive release of all distortion, and restoration, activation - and repatterning to its original divine blueprint.

Allow your heart to open, and as it opens and expands, offer up for release all sadness and pain , suffering, isolation, loneliness, confusion, doubt, separation and fear – breathing as you expand – and release – as we receive the release of all that saddens and limits us – and the angels and holy ones rejoice.

Expanding, and receiving an opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - breathing, breathing - able to receive the love of the angels and family of light which is pulsed to you so strongly. Opening your heart to receive all the love that these ones pulse to you - and expanding with love as this love fills you – and all careworn sadness and disappointment is released from you - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness and doubt and fear.

Breathing this love up into your thymus chakra, your higher heart, receiving a lifting from your thymus of the pain and fear you experience for humanity with its darkness and desolation.

Divine Mother places her Pearl of Compassion into your thymus, which opens your heart to all others - while providing protection - enabling you to open wide your heart, without suffering or pain.

Receive disconnection from the collective pain and fear-based consciousness of humanity – as an amethyst of divine protection is placed within your thymus chakra – that you may be free of the heaviness and dense negativity and pain of the collective consciousness.

Breathe the love of the Family of Light into your throat and receive a lifting and release of your doubts, hesitations and fears - and of the fears of others’ judgements and criticisms – the fear of making mistakes, and of being shamed by others - allowing you to stand in your truth and integrity. Your separateness, solitude and loneliness is released from you – and sadness and disappointment and doubt releases - as you receive assistance to step into your mastery, and the new life that is ahead.

And the love is breathed into the third eye, seat of your abilities and gifts, energised with healing light - expanding and filling the third eye with light and restoring the divine gifts in this chakra.

And breathing up through the crown chakra – as all distortions and blockages release – and your crown chakra receives reconnection with the divine realms, with God, and the angels, and the family of light - and the higher chakras are restored, activated, repatterned – and connected with all multi-dimensional realms of importance to you. Breathe deeply to receive connection – energised and filled with golden Source light.

Breathing up through the higher chakras, passing through all the suns and moons, to the celestial realms, the galactic, universal and cosmic realms, to Source, to Father Mother God - connecting with your Divine Presence - and expanding in this connection - as Divine Presence anchors and aligns with your column of light.

And the divine energy spills over from your crown and fills all of your light body, filling you with pulses of light and restoration to your divine blueprint - expanding, expanding as wholeness is received.

Breathing now as we open and restore the lower chakras. The healing love is pulsed down into your solar plexus, releasing all fears and insecurities, hesitations and doubts of your abilities - releasing all hesitations to move forward through initiations within which you may be stuck, as these incomplete initiations are taken from you and dissolved.

You are pulsed with all assistance to continue strongly and firmly on your path of mastery, moving through all obstacles and doubts, leaving the old patterns of struggle behind. All the love and assistance that you need is given so that you may walk proudly and confidently forward on your path.

Your hara, at your navel, receives the pulses of divine light – as all issues and challenges are shown to you – and clearly able to be accepted and acknowledged – fear of others’ power, doubt of your own power – as powerlessness is released – and your power centre receives restoration.

The sacral chakra receives healing pulses of love breathed into this chakra - releasing the blockages to your creative gifts – as ancient patterns of disempowerment and of distorted behaviour release.

You are assisted to acknowledge that each part of your life has played a role in preparation for your higher path. Everything which has gone ahead – has prepared and paved the way for your excellence and mastery which lies ahead – as you now confidently step forward having released the limiting fears and blockages and patterns of behaviour which formerly have held you back from stepping forward fully into brilliance and mastery.

Breathing in the divine energy as it releases the old patterns and blockages which restrict your ability to create - to create within your mastery - as your mastery is restored to you, unrestricted and unobstructed by the ancient patterns of doubt and uncertainty and fear and pain – which are taken from you.

And any issues and challenges of sexuality which disturb and sadden and disempower – are acknowledged – as the memories and disturbance receive their release.

Breathing the love down into your base chakra, receiving this feeling of safety, of being firmly connected, as you receive all of the support and love of Gaia and of your Family of Light – as you accept the support of the heavenly realms pulsed to you.

And offering to your Family of Light your cares and concerns of survival and physical existence. Hand your fears to them – and ask for what you need that will bring most ease, and joy, and fulfillment and grace to your life. Ask for what it is you need that will bring ease and fulfillment to your life – and hand over all struggle and fear and pain.

And ponder on your belief that you are separate from god, abandoned, uncared for – that god and the angels listen to others, and not you – and that you are unable to have your physical needs fully met – the belief that you are worthless and not able to easily receive what you need and what you ask for the ease and joy and fulfillment of your physical life – as the original akashic records that lie at the core of these beliefs – those of the original separation from god – receive their release, with karmic absolution across all timelines and dimensions.

And receive restoration of your rod of power through your hara, connecting down through your lower chakras – and receiving reconnection through the sacral with the heart and the higher chakras – restoring the full chakra column in its connection with the heavenly realms, shut down in Ancient Egypt – as all processes are put in place for full restoration.

Breathing the love down, down, and through your Link chakra between your knees and down through your feet, through the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet in the earth, and into the crystal heart of Gaia - receiving full connection with the earth and middle and inner earth realms – as you breath up this love and nurturing, connection, support and abundance as it is pulsed to you – experiencing safety, support, stability, abundance as you breathe this energy up, and into your heart - expanding and filling all of your energy bodies - the love of Gaia merging with the love of your Divine Presence - and expanding into this love as it washes your entire light body, raising your vibration, releasing all blockages and limitations – and restoring you to your divine blueprint of mastery and magnificence, purity and love.

Breathing this love and light into your being, breathing it into your heart, and in its expansion receiving a releasing of the distortions of memory and patterns of behaviour of the emotions and the mind – as you breathe – and acknowledge your challenges and fears and sadness and pain and patterns of distortion - offering up and surrendering for release all sadness, disappointment, pain, grief, regret, anger, confusion, doubt and fear.

Expand and receive a further opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - with much assistance given - the open and feeling heart, able to receive the love which is now pulsed to you by so many angels who are with you always - experiencing great expansion as this love floods your being - removing all careworn sadness and disappointment - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness.


In this expanded state, receive the anchoring now of the holograms of the Release of Guilt, Regret, Anger, Bitterness, Jealousy and Sorrow

Hologram of Release of Guilt
Bring to mind the mistakes you have made – the errors of judgement – the lies you may have told. Beginning with your childhood memories, what are the largest memories that continue to haunt you – because of what you did – or what you failed to do? Allow the memories to surface. And think on the underlying patterns of behaviour that are revealed, and may still remain. The fear of doing wrong. The fear of being discovered to have done wrong. The fear of punishment. The lies and cover-ups that come quickly, as a means to prevent discovery of your actions. The fear of shame. Feeling not good enough – not capable – not clever enough, quick enough, brilliant enough. Being not able to admit you had made a mistake - not able to admit that you had done wrong.

The memories of times you have failed – and the underlying patterns that resulted – of fear of trying, fear to step into excellence. What are the doubts and fears?

Who are the people you have hurt by your actions, by your words, by your thoughts, your actions? And what are the reasons that you hurt another - what was your purpose and why did you feel compelled to take these actions? What are the underlying wounds and lacks and doubts and fears and ego that caused you to hurt another?

Allow the guilt and the shame to be uncovered, for it dwells in your heart to close your heart to yourself. Allow each instance of guilt to surface and to be known, no longer necessary to be hidden, pushed down, for you are held in safety by angels and all will be released from you.

Ponder on your relationships – where you took your love away from another – and hurt another. Where you loved too much – or not enough. Where you smothered another by your love, think on the reasons – your great need and attachment to the love of another – which poisoned the love that you shared together. The love that you lost, because you made mistakes – what were the mistakes, the errors of judgement – and what were the underlying patterns that surfaced?

The love for your mother and father – where you loved not enough, honoured not enough – caused pain and heartbreak through mistakes you made – and why, what were the underlying weaknesses and behaviours?

And accept that you have chosen all of your karmic partners and life experiences as a means to bring to the surface and make known the deep core wounds and behaviours and patterns and weaknesses and fears that you have brought into this lifetime from your ancient lifetimes.

And accept that indeed your relationships and your life experiences have made clear to you your issues, where you hold disempowerment, weakness, fear, doubt, distortion, ego.

And accept that your life experiences have served their purpose – for this was their intent – to make all known to you – so that you could clear these karmic issues, records, memories, experiences, behaviours, programs, patterns.

And with relief, breathe, breathe deeply to hand over and surrender every experience where you have experienced Guilt – and with relief breathe, and accept that you may now release yourself from Guilt – and achieve the lifting of the original akashic records, memories, experiences, beliefs and programs and patterns from which you chose to be free – and accept the transmutation of the records across the timelines and through all the dimensions, with karmic absolution.

And accept the Hologram of the Release of Guilt, with all of your life experiences having achieved their desired purpose – and rejoice with the angels who hold you in joy.

Hologram of Release of Regret
The regrets, the wrong choices, where you have chosen a path which has taken you away from opportunities, from loved ones – what lay behind your choices – and what were the doubts – what were the needs that made you choose one path that took you away from a loved one, or an opportunity that would have achieved greater success? What were the fears – the doubts? What were the issues of ego and pride? And did your actions hurt another? Did you hurt yourself by your actions and choices? And where are the regrets held – feel them, and allow them to surface – for they have been hidden deeply, pushed down – but surfacing frequently in times of sadness and weakness and disempowerment – for always the akashic records and memories will magnetically draw to you recurring experiences, always seeking to bring to the surface, to show you, what you are holding which is a distortion and a fear and a doubt.

And breathe, and hand over and surrender your regrets, your experiences where you made mistakes, made wrong choices, and hurt yourself, and hurt others. And acknowledge the patterns that lie behind the regrets – and hand these over – and breathe, and accept their release, their deep release, with the Karmic Board lifting and releasing the akashic records that lie at your core.

And forgive yourself – and accept all of your life choices – for no moment of your life is wasted, and much bravery and courage is achieved along the way – as strength and knowledge of self supersedes and overcomes weakness and fear and doubt. Forgive yourself for every mistake you have ever made beloved. And apologise to each person that you may have hurt, or judged, or blamed – each instance where you have acted wrongly and harmed another.

And held by angels in a cocoon of love, open yourself to receive forgiveness from those you may have hurt – receiving forgiveness, and breathing, as the karmic cords between you which have tied you and burdened you – are cut by Archangel Michael – and you are freed of all regret, and all mistakes and actions against another.

Hologram of Release of Anger
Where you hold resentment at another, anger at circumstances, where you received not a good deal, where you suffered, where another wronged you – where bureaucracy has harmed you and you feel ineffective, unable to act against the power and strength and wrath of another – and your rage and anger is hidden and held deeply – and where you seek revenge – and wish to harm another in return for the pain they have caused you – and where there is a pattern of unexplained anger, that rages and creates chaos and pain for self, and others - allow the anger to surface now and be known – and do not seek to deny that you hold anger – allow it to surface and known.

Where there is doubt in god – doubt that you are loved by god and the angels and masters – doubt that you will have your needs met – and where you blame god and the family of light for your pain – for your aloneness – for your solitude – your struggle – your lack – your anger at being denied love, and a normal physical life, a family, a partner, and children – allow this anger to surface and be fully known, no longer necessary to hold this down in shame and denial. Where you feel your requests are not being taken seriously, and that you continue to be denied what you ask for – allow this anger to be expressed, allow it to be known, no longer repressed, hidden.

And breathe deeply – and acknowledge and accept that your priority upon your path as a worker of light is to first release yourself of all disempowerment and pain.

And accept and acknowledge that you have chosen your life experiences, before ever you incarnated in this physical life, and have chosen your time of birth to allow the exact planetary alignments which will bring to the surface, and release, your karmic patterns and wounds – and that you have chosen your karmic partners to play out between you the experiences which seek to bring to the surface and make known the deep core and disempowering wounds that you have brought in from your ancient earth lifetimes, held in your chakras and bodies of light.

And accept that in this one lifetime you have chosen to release and to heal all karmic wounds and memories, for there are special dispensations available in these times, that are so hugely beneficial in that which it is possible to achieve in the way of release and transformation.

And accept and acknowledge that many are those beings of light who seek also, and await their opportunity, to incarnate and to take advantage of the opportunities that you receive.

And breathe deeply, and accept and acknowledge that the path has been long, and arduous – and that you are tired – and in fear that the path will never lessen in its intensity – and that never will you find peace and fulfillment and ease.

And breathe, and accept and acknowledge that humanity is within great times of heightened possibilities. And that you are a leader and a dreamer of the new world, and have a wondrous role to play – and that to be effective there is the need for the release of all that holds you back from your brilliance and mastery.

And breathe dear ones, and surrender and offer all anger and pain to the angels and masters who hold you in such love and in such understanding of your path to transformation and light.

And as the records and memories that lie behind the anger receive their release, through all timelines, and releasing through all and any traumatic lifetimes of service to the divine where you have incurred pain and trauma and disempowerment – ask now for what you need for your physical existence that will bring ease and grace and fulfillment and love and joy to your path and to your life – and know that the anger has served its purpose in making known to you the deep and hidden core wounds – and may now be put aside – and that joy and peace may now be accepted as that which is yours in entitlement – as you accept the Hologram of Release of Anger.

You are beloved dear ones, and supported, assisted, guided and loved for your bravery and resilience. All that you ask for is given you – ask dear ones and know that you are heard.

Hologram of Release of Bitterness
Where you have not received opportunities that you sought, where you felt yourself to be denied grace, love, time, abundance, greatness, capability, gifts and talents – and where there has been joylessness, sadness, grief, pain – where you have felt lost, without direction, without clarity – and where you have seen others racing ahead on an accelerated path, receiving opportunities, with talents and gifts that have achieved success, abundance, acclaim and recognition – and you have felt yourself denied equality and justice - where you have felt yourself to be unfairly treated, without equality – where others have received praise, opportunity, abundance – and you feel yourself to have been treated unfairly and denied success, love, wealth, health, peace, joy – then ponder on the bitterness at the injustice, and allow the bitterness to surface for it is mixed with anger and easily surfaces now.

And breathe, and breathe again, and allow the emotions to be expressed – at the injustice where others have received, yet you have been left behind – and feel yourself unfairly treated, and unequal.

And look behind the bitterness – to find the wounds of inequality and injustice, of insecurity, neediness, of jealousy, of comparison, of seeking to belittle others to equalise self – the belief that you are less, worthless, unworthy to receive – and breathe, without guilt or shame, just in acceptance of that which is, and accept and acknowledge that there is good reason to act as you do, for there are karmic wounds and memories that lie at the seat and the core of all of your actions – and that so many of your karmic wounds have been incurred in your service work for the divine on behalf of humanity – and there is no purpose served in guilt or shame for these wounds. Beloved you are asked only to accept all that has happened in your life, without regret, without bitterness and anger – but just acceptance – for there has been free will to desire to experience the dualities of physical life, and much has been experienced, and great suffering and disempowerment has occurred along the way – and you may now breathe, and breathe again, to release all wounds and memories, surrendering all – and accept the Hologram for the Release of Bitterness.

Hologram of Release of Jealousy
Call to mind those of whom you are jealous. And why. Have they achieved success that you are denied? Do they have love such that you feel yourself to be denied? Do they receive opportunities greater than you receive? Do they have gifts and talents greater than yours? Are their egos larger – and do they make more noise in self-promotion? Do they compete with you, and win? Call to mind these ones and think on the issues that surface. What qualities surface in you when you are jealous? Do you seek to speak negatively of these ones, or have demeaning thoughts which seek to discredit them? Do you find reason to fault them? And why – what are the insecurities that you hold, the regrets, bitterness, anger, doubt, fear, worthlessness – the beliefs of injustice, unfairness, inequality – of being denied success, opportunity, luck?

Without guilt or shame, admit and own your jealousy – in every area of your life where it surfaces – and know that it has served its purpose – that you may be aware of the core wounds and insecurities that you hold – and may now breathe, and breathe again, and release all jealousy – and accept the release also of the core wounds and records that lie behind all that you have acknowledged – and karmic absolution is given you, and you are assisted to offer apology to those you have harmed with your thoughts, and words and actions. Allow the karmic cords to be cut, so that you need not incur further need for karmic balance in retribution for your earlier actions. You may make your intent that you will hold your energy, in love of self, and in honour and respect for the path of all you encounter – and to accept the Hologram of Release of Jealousy.

Hologram of Release of Sorrow
Unburdened of so much beloveds, allow now all sorrow to surface and to release. Each instance where you have suffered great pain, through childhood – and adolescence – and throughout your life to this moment – identify the great wounds of sadness that you have experienced, the major traumas that have created such suffering. And accept and acknowledge that you have uncovered the major wounds dear ones that you hold – for your suffering has revealed these to you – the patterns that disempower you have been shown you in your times of major sorrow.

And breathe beloved, and hand over and surrender each instance of sorrow and pain – and know that it receives its release – as you are placed within a healing chamber of great softness and light, holding all of the angelic rays capable of transforming your every wound of suffering and of pain – and breathe, to receive the release of all that saddens and limits and disappoints and disempowers.

Held in light, you are enabled and assisted to forgive those who may have caused you sorrow and pain – and to accept their apology which is now given you – for you are held within a karmic chamber which takes you across the timelines beloveds to the original core experience that you have chosen between you to transmute and to heal – and all is brought to Oneness and truth and love – and the karmic cords receive severing – no longer required to be pulled back to your memories of such great sadness and pain – for all is brought back to truth and love and acceptance of all that is – and the Hologram of the Release of Sorrow is received.


Remain in this expanded state of connection – as assistance is given now to restore to original divine blueprint each individual chakra of your rainbow bridge galactic column of light - and of your multidimensional bodies of light.

With your breath, receive clearing, repatterning, restoration to original divine blueprint of each crystal, chakra and vortex, portal and gateway of each diamond plate of your multidimensional bodies of light, calling for release of all karmic memories and records of distortion which are held, with grace and ease

- commencing with the diamond plate of Soul DNA
- Genetic DNA
- Physical body
- Etheric body
- Emotional body
- Mental body
- Spiritual body
- Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine body
- Star body
- Solar/Lunar body
- Soul body
- the body of Divine Presence
- and the multidimensional soul gateways

Cleared of distortions, and your bodies of light ablaze with flowing light, breathe these energies into your being, held by angels and Masters – as you now unburden your heart of all suffering and pain and confusion – receiving transmissions of grace and many blessings of love.


And travelling deeper now into the heart, breathe deeply, deeply cocooned in soft love, as we travel to the temple of your heart, a beautiful temple with a golden domed ceiling and sparkling white columns of crystal quartz and mosaics and geometries of deepest rose quartz on the floors and walls.

There are 4 angels – your own personal angelic guides who make their connection with you, and pulse you with their love – as you ask for their assistance and guidance in those areas of your life where you are needing help. These ones are waiting for your permission, to help you – if you ask for their help – as they are so willing and ready to help in every area of your life.

Held by angels you are able to acknowledge in yourself the patterns you hold – of distortion, of sadness and pain and disempowerment, fear, anger, chaos, disillusion, jealousy, judgement, impatience, bitterness, lack of trust and lack of faith, and confusion and lack of direction – and acknowledge your own part in any challenges that are playing out in your life, and accept that within the Law of Attraction you have attracted to you what you hold as distortion and as karmic records of your soul – and may surrender and hand over all distortion and pain, sadness, disempowerment, loneliness and lack of trust – as the Karmic Board offers for release with full karmic absolution the original akashic records of your soul which lie beneath and at the core of the patterns you have acknowledged. In special dispensation, the akashic records of your soul are offered for release across all timelines and all dimensions, with karmic absolution and without the need for further initiations.

Within your heart temple you are able now to offer acceptance and forgiveness for all that has happened in your lifetime – bringing to forgiveness all that may be unresolved in your lifetime, forgiving father and mother and brothers and sisters, children, loved ones, lovers, friends and acquaintances with whom you have unresolved issues that create pain for you – as you are assisted to forgive now and to allow the past to be put behind you – as Archangel Michael cuts the karmic cords which may have tied you to painful experiences and memories which are connected to experiences of ancient times of disempowerment and pain and sadness which have pulled you so often into the disempowerment and sadness of your memories of the past.

And within the temple of your heart we may find those aspects of self which are wounded and in separation and in fear – soul extensions of past and parallel lifetimes who are wounded and suffering – as you acknowledge where you are in pain and fear and disempowerment and suffering, anger, chaos, disillusion, lack of faith, and confusion and lack of clarity and direction – acknowledging the existence of the distortions that create all of your life experiences - and these aspects of self, soul extensions, receive cosmic tools of healing – as you open your heart to these ones in love of them and of their experiences – as a rainbow bridge of light is anchored into your heart to allow these ones to return to you, healed and no longer in separation and in sabotage of you and your path – and they return in a steady stream – and will continue – until all parts which are in separation receive their return Home in wholeness.


And you may unburden the heart of all that saddens and limits you – receiving many transmissions of healing and restoration – as your heart and your being open further – to your higher purpose and life mission and destiny – and you may open yourself to receive knowledge of your life path and direction – for this to make itself known – and to receive the transmissions of blessings that your life path may align, and all destiny partners and destiny opportunities may be put in place, and received – with impulses of bravery and courage, trust, faith and love received now.


And there is a turquoise pool within the temple of your heart – and assisted by angels to untie your golden cord of divinity from around your waist, and to take off your robe of purest white – you may safely dive into the pool in the temple of your heart – and wash off all remaining distortion and pain and fear, doubt, sadness and grief – as all washes away and is taken from you.

And you may offer yourself forgiveness for any imperfection, any error of judgement or mistake you have ever made – and apologise to those you may have hurt – and receive their forgiveness.

And those who have hurt you and caused you grief and pain – within the temple of your heart you are assisted and able to forgive these ones – and to see the bigger picture – that you have chosen your karmic partners to play out between you the imbalances which will ultimately set you free of the distortions of ages past – and to accept now the release of all blame and judgement and pain and separation and grief – as the cords between you and each of your karmic partners where there are unresolved issues between you – are cut, with karmic absolution – and an end is put to all initiations of karmic redress and imbalance.

Ablaze with light, with all gateways opened, cleared, activated – with karmic distortions and blockages released – open yourself now to receive repatterning and restoration of your angelic matrix and angelic master body, your initial divine state, upon which all other higher bodies of light may anchor – as your angelic wings are restored to you – and the angelic gifts are returned.

Your galactic presence signature is activated through all chakras and bodies of light – as you open yourself to receive the restoration of your soul gifts, higher gifts of light.

Allow the higher multidimensional bodies of light to be received, and for connection with the love, light, power and creation grids of heaven and of earth, and for all processes to be put in place for your ultimate wholeness, and ascension with your god.

With love allow your keepership to be activated and anchored to earth – that you may embody your mastery and magnificence.

The Crystal of Disengagement is anchored and activated – that you may rise above all lower realities – and reside in the New World – detaching from physical distortion and pain, as you open your heart, and take your awareness up and above the third dimension and its cares and concerns and struggles of fear and suffering – and receive reconnection with the godstreams – where all is unlimited – without pain or limitation – experiencing disengagement and detachment from lower reality suffering and pain – and bliss, peace, safety and freedom from care – as you safely flow in the energies of the divine - and this may be your new reality, of unlimitedness, joy, peace, fulfillment and love.

Your Council of Light intensifies their love as your Galactic Presence, Divine Presence anchors and commences mergence with you –- and as all energies of transmission of excellence and wholeness now receive alignment.

We open our hearts, our beings, in gratitude – and we allow our heart’s deepest dreams to surface with yearning and love.

What are your dreams for your life? If money, and time, and opportunity, was not an issue – what is it that you would love to do, that would create in you such joy and fulfillment? We are meant to create in joy, and play – and it is that which we do most easily, and with most joy – that is our gift to the world.

We ask for the opportunities we require – to allow us to step forward into the life of our highest and deepest dreams.

And we open our hearts to receive the blessings of the angels and holy ones
– in gratitude and joy we receive.

And as you expand in gratitude, original divinity now experienced in the fullest flows of love, and as your path of magnificence opens to you with such assistance and support given in all areas of your life, your heart and your being opens wide to enable you to receive the Holograms of Divine Perfection, singing the mantras to allow these to anchor through you and to Gaia and to her sacred portals and grids of light

Hologram of Release of Guilt

Hologram of Release of Regret

Hologram of Release of Anger

Hologram of Release of Bitterness

Hologram of Release of Jealousy

Hologram of Release of Sorrow

And as the worlds separate and shift, the new etheric body for Gaia is achieved, holding all of the templates and holograms of perfection, holding the ideal and dream and possibility for perfection for each of her inhabitants. And open your hearts and your beings in willingness to live your reality as one which interconnects with Gaia’s highest reality – in the ideals of trust, truth, love, sharing, equality, justice and plenty from which you will expand your energies outwards – to live the life of your dreams. And as the shift occurs, and the old world with its many distortions is left behind – accept your placement upon your destiny path as a Dreamer of the New World, one who lives a higher reality of all possibility within the deepest core of your highest heart’s dreams. And make your intent, in willingness to continue to break free from every distortion that comes into your life, to live the life of your fullest dreams of fulfillment on earth and in completion of your divine life contracts.

And as you flow in the blissful streams of godliness, receive all the support and love that will sustain all of your days within your life plan as leaders and Dreamers of the New World – flowing with the godstreams - as you make your requests, and receive all that you require for fulfillment, peace, and connection with the divine that will sustain every area of your life. You are revered for your roles and all that you request as that which will bring most ease, grace, fulfillment and love is given you.

With joy and love, in wholeness and bliss and empowered as Dreamers to play your role as divine models and holograms of divinity, share with your voices the anchoring of the Divine Templates as the worlds shift and move and all possibilities are put in place - toning and sounding and making your Oms - to share with humanity the new realities made possible by your group work, and with Gaia and her portals, her waterways and oceans and with her animals and devas and realms and kingdoms and with humanity. I Am Divine Father God.

In September 2010 I was given 100 Divine Holograms of Divine Perfection, Creation Blueprints of Divine Wholeness to anchor to earth as part of the planetary work we share in Dreaming the New World. The templates are grouped into 9 monthly activations –

1. Hologram of Physical Perfection
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Health
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Fearlessness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Joy
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Happiness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Peace
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Plenty
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Equality
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Justice
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Impermeability
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Implausibility

2. Holograms of Wholeness
Hologram of Innocence
Hologram of Purity
Hologram of Vitality
Hologram of Courage
Hologram of Faith
Hologram of Serenity
Hologram of Truth
Hologram of Integrity
Hologram of Perfection of Attitude
Hologram of Acceptance
Hologram of Contentment
Hologram of Fulfillment
Hologram of Satisfaction
Hologram of Capability
Hologram of Competency
Hologram of Equilibrium
Hologram of Approbation
Hologram of Merit

3. Hologram of Beauty
Hologram of Simplicity
Hologram of Unconditionality
Hologram of Reason

4. Hologram of Release of Sorrow
Hologram of Release of Guilt
Hologram of Release of Regret
Hologram of Release of Anger
Hologram of Release of Bitterness
Hologram of Release of Jealousy

5. Hologram of God
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Inter-Connection with the Divine
Hologram of Linking and Interconnection with Illustrious Planet of Origin
Hologram of Co-operative Support by the Divine
Hologram of Divine Inspiration
Hologram of Divine Providence
Hologram of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is
Hologram of Divine Support of Creation
Hologram of Trust in the Divine
Hologram of Susceptibility to the Divine
Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine
Hologram of Gratitude and Love of the Divine

6. Hologram of Divine Perfection
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Restoration to Wholeness with the Divine
Hologram of Angelic Restoration to Divine Blueprint
Hologram of Restoration of Bodies of Light and Multidimensionality
Hologram of Galactic Gifts and Nature
Hologram of Illustriousness
Hologram of Divine Mind
Hologram of Impeccability
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Clarity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Speech, Oration, Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Power
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positivity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positive Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Focus
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intent
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Creativity
Hologram of Creation Ability

7. Hologram of Love
Hologram of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Heart Opening
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Gentle Heart
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Affectionate Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intimate Love
Hologram of Enamoured Love
Hologram of Romantic Love
Hologram of Peaceful and Happy Heart
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love

8. Hologram of Perfection
Hologram of Divine Plan
Hologram of Soul Path
Hologram of Life Path
Hologram of Soul Purpose
Hologram of Divine Path
Hologram of Soul Partners
Hologram of Mergence with Soul Partners
Hologram of Soul Gifts
Hologram of Fruition of Heart’s Dreams
Hologram of Success

9. Hologram of New World
Hologram of the New World
Hologram of Children of the Divine
Hologram of Simplistic Creation
Hologram of Evolution
Hologram of Education

These sacred images which come from the divine,
are the blueprints for wholeness and perfection
- bringing the realms of the godstreams, in their unlimitedness,
to us in the physical plane on earth,
so that we may embody perfection
and enjoy fulfillment and physical safety, peace and fulfillment, in service to the divine,
anchoring and sharing the new possibilities, new paradigms of the New World

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together.

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together

‘The earth changes may receive their culmination when a percentage of 30% of humanity is in heightened reconnection with the divine within, and the relentless nature of the continuing destruction-based onslaughts will, by the great heart opening that occurs in sadness at the continuing levels of huge pain and loss within brother and sister that results, bring heightened levels of divinity which may reach its timely commencement with the hallowed time of such speculation (2012). And so it is not the destruction that occurs that is the prime reason for the losses, but it is the heart opening and softening and love of one for another, one for all, that is the fulcrum which, in rising from disillusionment towards sad love of others, lifts all from the percentile reached, and indeed the fulcrum of love and hope propels all upon their journey Home.’ Lady Ashtar

We all play our role in this great heart opening that is occurring,
sharing our love and our wholeness with humanity
that the hearts of all may open, and we may journey Home.