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Nov 2, 2011

The Energies of 11:11 - and the New World



The Energies of 11:11 – and the New World

Several weeks ago I was taken to the Doorway of the New World, and without hesitation, walked through – and immediately began to pull through those who are my beloveds, that we would be together in the New World. I pulled through the beloved poddies from sacred mystery school, and those for whom I have channeled akashic records and keepership readings over the years, and those who have been part of the Dreaming the New World meditations – it was such a very beautiful experience.

But quickly, it became apparent that many were not yet able to hold the frequencies of the New World – and as I was holding the energies holographically, I began to embody their distortions that these may be transmuted – enduring some times of great pain and heaviness. Holographically all was being transmuted and brought to wholeness.

And later, great waves and levels of despair, failure, hopelessness and heavy sadness and grief then buffeted me for days – embodying the lost dreams and lost hopes of so many lightworkers as a result of the nature of their varying experiences across the aeons of physical life.

Holographically over the course of some weeks the distortions and hopelessness were transmuted – and the wholeness then embodied was then bounced back and holographically replicated. A great awareness arose of the splitting of god into the monads – that god may know himself in a larger way – and this great wholeness also is received by all.

Recently, the peace that surpasses all has been known and enjoyed – and this is the New World – where from peace, wholeness, joy and love we are enabled to manifest the realities of our dreams. Interestingly, there is no desire or attachment – only that this peace may be never-ending.


I have been asked to share two very powerful techniques that have been given to me by Father God – for in the New World we have now attained the gift of manifestation.

1.Technique to take yourself out of a lower reality – and to shift to a higher reality

If you are troubled by something or lessened by something happening in your life, you intend a new reality - and you write it - what this new reality is that makes your heart sing and overcomes any challenge - and you continually shift to this new reality - with your mind and will - and align yourself with divine will - and when you are aligned with divine will, you automatically are raised to a higher frequency that matches your own destiny path and joy path.

Our time of struggle need not remain – and it is for us to change our thinking and our reality. It is for us to find the solutions – to switch from struggling with a reality – and to see the solution.

As Dreamers of the New World, it is for us to initiate the results we desire – to create these, to see them so clearly – and to bring them in. Rather than struggling and hoping – it is for us to find the solution – and to write this down.

With our hearts open, the solution is given by the divine – and in writing the solution, the higher reality which is given us by the divine, expressed through our heart – is then brought to the physical realm by the physical act of using our creativity to write the solution.

The solution is then achieved for it has passed beyond our will and heart – and is brought to the earth plane – and the universe mirrors and manifests the reality we have chosen.

It works!

2. The method of manifesting and bringing in your reality

If you have a challenge or a problem - and for instance it may be that you have a dream for your life that you feel unable to manifest because you don't have the money, opportunities, people, resources etc ... then you write down the dream, in all the details you can visualise. And if there is a problem, then you write the solution.

Will use an example I offered to a beautiful young man who holds keys for the New World:

‘I want to live in the forest in a nature sanctuary where I am in total joy to be in connection with the beauty and the nature forces and the sprites, pixies, faeries, elementals, trents, unicorns ... are in absolute joy with me to be in such a place that stirs our hearts with inspiration ... and I would like groups to come to me ... and I would love to teach these people how to see into the dimensions and the nature kingdoms and to connect and work and understand and see and hear the wonders of these kingdoms. and so on...

And then you write:

Solution: I am living in (the rainforest in the Byron Bay area) or (in a cool area high on Bali's slopes) or whatever ... I am invited to share in a nature sanctuary resort (or whatever your heart comes up with as a solution or an inspiration) ... or ... I meet wonderful people of purity who are inspired by me and by my dream and who work together to bring my dream into reality ... or ... the funds are given me to buy the land to create the sanctuary and wondrous people come into my life as builders, landscapers, marketeering experts, website designers etc. to work with me in the physical roles of making this dream come true. Because my heart and soul are so pure and true and because I am aligned with my life purpose totally, magnetically my destiny partners and life partners come to me and are met and we begin to create the wonderful project, with all resources we need (and write down what these are, what you need, as exactly as you can) and the children and adults who will learn from me ... and write here what it is you want to teach them, in detail ... are magnetically attracted to me, and they come. And there is reward for me and my group, and plenty and abundance, and joy and fulfillment, honour, justice, truth, unconditional love, trust, respect, equality, freedom and all of our needs are met (and write what these needs are).’


Once you have written the blueprint there is a wonderful feeling of openhearted trust - for you are creating your own dreams and have fully opened and surrendered to the universe. It is in this moment of joy, surrender and trust that miracles occur.

Once the universe knows what you want and how and when, then it will bring it to you. Often it will be brought in ways that you didn't plan and it will be a different dream, but it will be fully aligned with your life purpose and will still delight you.

And as you know more of what you need, then you write the dream again, always refining and enlarging and enhancing and adding the details as you work them out.

It does come true. And then when it does, sometimes things are a little out of order or there are things happening that do not bring you joy - and then you write a new sub-chapter about those things - to create them the way you would like them to be.

Always you are refining your own dream and are master of your own destiny rather than a victim to a life.

We are the creators of the new world - it is from our own dreams and ideas for our life that the new world is created. And you can also share this technique of working with your dreams to manifest your reality - to others - the children will love it. They can create through art, or play, or role modeling or music or drama, whatever is their gift they can use to bring in their dreams and the new world. a technique to always shift to a higher reality.

If you are troubled by something or lessened by something happening in your life, you intend a new reality - and you write it - what this new reality is that makes your heart sing and overcomes any challenge - and you continually shift to this new reality - with your mind and will - and align yourself with divine will - and when you are aligned with divine will, you automatically are raised to a higher frequency that matches your own destiny path and joy path.


11:11:11 is a numerical alignment which holds great importance – for it opens the doorway through which the New World emerges. There is such a desire among lightworkers to participate on this day. Many have contacted me, wishing to join together our hopes and dreams. So beautiful to see this re-emergence of trust and hope and participation – for the path has been long and arduous – and it felt that many had been lost. But there is a re-emergence of hope – and the worldwide uprisings against control and injustice have seen us re-ignited with positivity – that we do have a voice – and a choice – and we WILL achieve a New World.

I share below a beautiful meditation that we will use in Australia for ceremonies to activate interdimensional portals and centres of light – at 11am and 11pm. There is a group at the Temple of Heaven holding the energies for Bali – and in Los Angeles, Michael Liss will be anchoring the Blueprints for the New Human in a group workshop. We will be linking with other groups around the world – and you are so welcome to join with us - for there are possibilities on this special day to create these places and portals of interdimensional access in our sacred places – and to bring about creations of beauty and change.

In bliss, peace and joy, we share our love - for the New World

Astrea Sri Ana


Meditation for 11:11 – and the New World

We connect with those meditating with us around the world on this important planetary alignment. We link with Australia … and with Bali … and in Los Angeles where the Blueprints for the New Human are now anchored to the United States … creating a triangle of light between Australia, Bali and the United States … and we link our own countries of residence and our sacred places … and offer our love and our energy as the fuel of transmission which the Galactic Federation will utilise to form the Grid of the New World.

We connect through the portals of our physical body with the parallel kingdoms within the crystal grids of the earth … connecting through our own diamond body of light … connecting the portals of our light body with the diamond grid of light which surrounds the universe, connecting with the galaxies, aligning with the galactic portals, aligning with the Great Central Sun and with our own planet of origin … with much assistance given to enable this connection …… and connecting and aligning also with the chakra points and portals of earth … fully calibrated and aligned to divine perfection … connecting with individual grid points of the Grid of the New World … and with Gaia … and with the Flower of Life … and with the Realms of Grace … calling for assistance that we be fully and divinely connected and aligned to the highest potential for transformation, for love, for joy, for peace, for truth and freedom … for abundance … and for change of the highest order.

We call to the beloved family of light, calling in all angels, Archangels, Elohim, cherubim, seraphim and thrones of angels … we call to the Ascended Masters of Shamballa and the Great White Lodge … to the Sisters of the Rays and Rose … to the Galactic Federation and to the Ashtar Command … calling to the emissaries of love and light of all of the higher dimensions, calling particularly to those from Sirius and the Pleiades, from Arcturus and Andromeda, from Venus, from Alcyone, from Chiron, from Lyra, and from Maya of the Pleiades … we call to the faeries and the elves, the gnomes, the sylphs, the salamanders, the devas, the elementals and those of the crystal kingdom … and the nature kingdoms … to be present with us and to grace us with your love sufficient that greatness may occur this day.

We call to the ancestors and the guardians of the land and ask for your blessings, as we open ourselves to be the conduits of your desire for the reclamation of the sanctity of this land and of its return to innocence and wholeness … all distortions released through the flow of the love we share this day.

We call for the anchoring of an interdimensional portal of light and a grid point of the New World in this sacred place.

We ask for the anchoring of the Divine Templates of Perfection and of Universal Law and the Holograms of the New Human and New World to be anchored and activated in this portal and grid of light.

We open our hearts and our bodies of light and offer ourselves as vehicles for the divine.

We open our hearts and our beings and connect our energies with all other grid points of the Grid of the New World … and to Australia and Bali and Los Angeles … and we allow the energies to flow between us and to each other … and to all grid points.

We call to the Keepers of the Realms of Grace … and ask for the transmissions of your rays and templates of grace to flow through each of us, and to this portal and to the Grid of the New World … as we open ourselves as the conduits … to receive on our own behalf, and on behalf of all.

We call for the 7 Rays of Divine Love of Bali to pour forth over each of us, and this sacred place. We offer for release to Source all wounds of the Lemurian age, and all ages … receiving purification by the 7 Divine Rays of Love of Bali of the Divine Masculine Body, Solar, Lunar, Divine Feminine bodies, Body of Divine Will, Soul and Spiritual Bodies, allowing God Presence to be aligned and to activate through this portal … receiving full connection with the Flower of Life and the Web of Light and with the Realms of Grace, healing all disconnection to Source and to God, so that in the divinity last experienced in the Lemurian Age, the full flow of love, abundance, prosperity, peace and wholeness and connection with God, supported by the synchronistic connection via the Flower of Life to All That Is, may be experienced … restoring to innocence, wholeness, unconditional love and interconnectedness with all.

We call to Gaia and to our Family of Light and ask for the full anchoring of the Flower of Life to this portal, and to Gaia, and to our planet earth.

We call for assistance to anchor an interdimensional grid point of light to this land, as a place of love, purity and greatness … and as a sacred place which assists in the strengthening and stabilisation of the entire grid … and a place from which love and Source energy may be accessed by all. And so it is.

We call for the freeing of the faery kingdom and elementals and devas, and release from their entrapment. We connect to each grid point of the grid of light and call for this for all of our planet earth.

We call to the guardian keepers and ancestral holders of truth and wisdom of this land and offer ourselves as conduits of love sufficient that the distortions of the earth and all dimensions and realms … the memories and the abuses and the sadnesses that this area and surrounding areas … all that has been experienced of pain, suffering, death, disempowerment … be released through the intercession of the angelic forces of light who are present with us this day … as we allow the flows of love to fill us and to pass from us and around us in circle … and emitted as frequencies of love to enable the release of all distorted earth energies … as we open our hearts in forgiveness of all that has occurred, in our wish and desire that the karmic plane find its release and annihilation … and that all may return to their heavenly Home.

We hold the highest ideal of love, of equality, of justice, of freedom, of truth in its highest ideal of integrity and love … releasing all hatred, greed and egoic need for power and control

… between man and woman
… between man, woman and child
… in government
… in courts of justice
… in bureaucracies
… in religion
… in politics
… in business …
… in financial dealings
… in ownership of our planet’s resources
… between our world powers

We call to the animal kingdom and open our hearts in love of these companions upon our earth and give thanks for their role. We call for the planetary forces that may assist our animals in their own evolutionary journeys, calling for all assistance. For the animals of this earth who are suffering and in need, hungry and diseased, in pain and fear … we call to the angels to assist these ones, to allow them to be freed from their suffering … and as these ones receive the support they have been denied through our own disregard and the lack of honour and compassion of mankind, there may be a mass raising of the consciousness of this planet earth and of mankind … raising the consciousness and frequency as a result of this mass heart opening … and we make our vows to continue to hold our animals in our hearts and to offer these ones our continuing love and support and assistance.

We call to the Karmic Board with our plea that all karma be transmuted, dissolved and released … and that all are freed from the karmic wheel. We ask that all outstanding karmic debts be dissolved. We ask that the karmic experiences playing out in wars between nations and religions be dissolved, allowing peace to take the place of war. We ask that the karmic plane now receive its annihilation, with grace … replaced by the Holograms of Divine Perfection and the Templates of Universal Law.

We call to all women, and ask that they receive honour for their beauty, their grace, their caring and nurturing and ability to love unconditionally. And we make our vows that as women we will honour and love ourselves for our qualities of grace and love. We give our vow that we will hold all women in honour and gratitude for all that they do and all that they are … calling now for all oppression of the feminine to be vanquished, dissolved.

We call to all men, and ask that they receive the honour that is their due for their strength and grace, for their love of their loved ones. And we make our vows that as men we will honour and love ourselves for our strength and grace and love.

We align our divine feminine with our divine masculine

We honour all men and all women for their divine nature, and ask that all be restored to their divine blueprint, with the release of their karmic wounds which have been incurred across the ages and aeons of physical life.

We call to all children and honour their divine nature and innocence, their trust and childlike wonder at this adventure which is life. We offer our apologies for the wrongs done to our children in the past. And we make our vows to hold our children as divine, and to hold them in their innocence, with our request that our children be allowed to remain in this natural state, free of the harshness which has led them to close their hearts and their minds to their own qualities of such beauty and intelligence.

We open our hearts and our beings and hold our highest ideals of truth, justice, peace, plenty, freedom, equality and love … and we allow the energies of this special planetary alignment to transform us and all of mankind. We pulse from our hearts our love for all mankind … and we call for the manifestations we have demanded.

And so it is.

Aug 22, 2011

Dreaming the New World - Blueprints for the New Human - Level 9 - Hologram of New World

~ Hologram of the New World ~
Level 9

Blueprints for the New Human

These sacred images which come from the divine,
are the blueprints for wholeness and perfection
- bringing the realms of the godstreams, in their unlimitedness,
to us in the physical plane on earth,
so that we may embody perfection
and enjoy fulfillment and physical safety, peace and fulfillment, in service to the divine,
anchoring and sharing the new possibilities, new paradigms of the New World

Level 9 Holograms of Perfection can be viewed and downloaded from the link

And the entire series of holograms can be viewed and downloaded from the link

With such gratitude – may our dreams manifest in joy,
Astrea Sri Ana


~ Hologram of the New World ~
Level 9

Breathe deeply, as we call in many angels, archangels, Elohim, Enlightened Masters, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, emissaries of light and love from the higher dimensions, ancient ones, sacred guardians and holders of all knowledge and wisdom through all dimensions, Gaia, the starry ones – your own Council of Light - all of the family of light gather around and hold you in love and make their connection with you – as you experience their love – and the heightened energies of expansion which now occur - as you open your hearts to receive the blessings they bring.

And think on the issues, the challenges that may have surfaced in these recent days and weeks – and the distorted patterns that you hold that may have risen to the surface and able to be more easily identified – as you accept that the nature of the ongoing levels of the holograms that are received increasingly will bring to the surface the distortions you may hold – so that these may be released and healed. And with relief hand over your struggle and challenge to the angels and to those who now attend to your energies with great love of you – and with your breath, release and surrender all.

As you breathe deeply, many angelic ones place you within a cocoon and chamber of light and of love, connected to the Source realms, and to Gaia – as assistance is given you to open each of your chakras –connecting through the portals of your physical body with the parallel kingdoms within the crystal grids of the earth - connecting through your own diamond body of light - connecting the portals of your light body with the diamond grid of light which surrounds the universe, connecting with the galaxies, aligning with the galactic portals, aligning with the Great Central Sun and with your planet of origin - and connecting and aligning also with the chakra points and portals of earth – all gateways and portals opened and restored - fully calibrated and aligned to divine perfection - connecting with Gaia - and with the realms of grace and with the Flower of Life – with all assistance given that you are fully and divinely connected and aligned to the highest potential for transformation, for love, for joy, for peace, for health, for truth – and for plenty and abundance.

Breathe deeply, as each individual chakra of the rainbow bridge galactic chakra column of light is now assisted to open and to receive release of all distortion - and repatterning to its original divine blueprint, activating and restoring your full connection with heaven and with earth.

Allow your heart to open, and as it opens and expands, offer up for release all sadness and pain, suffering, isolation, loneliness, confusion, doubt, separation and fear – breathing as you expand – and release – as you receive the release of all that saddens and limits you – and the angels and holy ones rejoice.

Expanding, and receiving an opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - breathing, breathing - able to receive the love of the angels and family of light which is pulsed to you so strongly. Opening your heart to receive all the love that these ones pulse to you - and expanding with love as this love fills you – and all careworn sadness and disappointment is released from you - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness and doubt and fear.

Breathing this love up into your thymus chakra, your higher heart, receiving a lifting from your thymus of the pain and fear you experience in your connection with humanity and its fear, darkness and desolation.

Divine Mother places her Pearl of Compassion into your thymus, which opens your heart to all others - while providing protection - enabling you to open wide your heart, without suffering or pain and being drained and disempowered by others.

Receive disconnection from the collective pain and fear-based consciousness of humanity – as an amethyst of divine protection is placed within your thymus chakra – that you may be free of the heaviness and dense negativity and pain of the collective consciousness.

Breathe the love of the Family of Light into your throat and receive a lifting and release of your doubts, hesitations and fears - and of the fears of others’ judgements and criticisms – the fear of making mistakes, and of being shamed by others - allowing you to stand in your truth and integrity. Your separateness, solitude and loneliness is released from you – and sadness and disappointment and doubt releases - as you receive assistance to step into your mastery, and the new life that is ahead.

And the love is breathed into the third eye, seat of your abilities and gifts, energised with healing light - expanding and filling the third eye with light and restoring the divine gifts in this chakra.

And breathing up through the crown chakra – as all distortions and blockages
release – and your crown chakra receives reconnection with the divine realms, with God, and the angels, and the family of light - and the higher chakras are restored, activated, repatterned – and connected with all multi-dimensional realms of importance to you. Breathe deeply to receive connection – energised and filled with golden Source light.

Breathing up through the higher chakras, passing through all the suns and moons, to the celestial realms, the galactic, universal and cosmic realms, to Source, to Father Mother God - connecting with your Divine Presence - and expanding in this connection - as Divine Presence anchors and aligns with your column of light.

And the divine energy spills over from your crown and fills all of your light body, filling you with pulses of light and restoration to your divine blueprint - expanding, expanding as wholeness is received.

Breathing now as we open and restore the lower chakras. The healing love is pulsed down into your solar plexus, releasing all fears and insecurities, hesitations and doubts of your abilities - releasing all hesitations to move forward through initiations within which you may be stuck, as these incomplete initiations are taken from you and dissolved.

You are pulsed with all assistance to continue strongly and firmly on your path of mastery, moving through all obstacles and doubts, leaving the old patterns of struggle behind. All the love and assistance that you need is given so that you may walk proudly and confidently forward on your path.

Your hara, at your navel, receives the pulses of divine light – as all issues and challenges of power are shown to you – and clearly able to be accepted and acknowledged – fear of others’ power, doubt of your own power – as powerlessness is released – and your power centre receives restoration.

The sacral chakra receives healing pulses of love - releasing the blockages to your creative gifts – as ancient patterns of disempowerment and of distorted behaviour release.

You are assisted to acknowledge that each part of your life has played a role in preparation for your higher path. Everything which has gone ahead – has prepared and paved the way for your excellence and mastery which lies ahead – as you now confidently step forward having released so many limiting fears and blockages and patterns of behaviour which formerly have held you back from stepping forward fully into brilliance and mastery.

Breathing in the divine energy as it releases the old patterns and blockages which restrict your ability to create within your mastery - as your mastery is restored to you, unrestricted and unobstructed by the ancient patterns of doubt and uncertainty and fear and pain – which are taken from you.

And any issues and challenges of sexuality which disturb and sadden and disempower – are acknowledged – as the memories and disturbance receive their release.

Breathing the love down into your base chakra, receiving this feeling of safety and security, of being firmly connected, as you receive all of the support and love of Gaia and of your Family of Light – as you accept the support of these realms pulsed to you.

And offering to your Family of Light your cares and concerns of survival and physical existence. Hand your fears to them – and ask for what you need that will bring most ease, and joy, and fulfillment and grace to your life. Ask for what it is you need that will bring ease and fulfillment to your life – and hand over all struggle and fear and pain.

And ponder on your belief that you are separate from god, abandoned, uncared for – that god and the angels listen to others, and not you – and that you are unable to have your physical needs fully met – the belief that you are worthless and not able to easily receive what you need and what you ask for the ease and joy and fulfillment of your physical life – as the original akashic records that lie at the core of these beliefs – those of the original separation from god – receive their release, with karmic absolution across all timelines and dimensions.

And receive restoration of your rod of power through your hara, connecting down through your lower chakras – and receiving reconnection through the sacral with the heart and the higher chakras – restoring the full chakra column in its connection with the heavenly realms, shut down in Ancient Egypt – as all processes are put in place for full restoration.

Breathing the love down, down, and through your Link chakra between your knees - missing, distorted, not activated in so many lightworkers, and through the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet in the earth, and restoring this chakra also that you may be securely grounded and able to receive assistance and achieve success in your life and your projects - and breathing down into the crystal heart of Gaia - receiving full connection with the earth and middle and inner earth realms. And breathe up this love and nurturing, connection, support and abundance as it is pulsed to you – experiencing safety, support, protection and stability as you breathe this energy up and into your heart - expanding and filling all of your bodies of light - the love of Gaia merging with the love of your Divine Presence - and expanding into this love as it washes each dimension of your being, raising your vibration, releasing all blockages and limitations – and restoring you to your divine blueprint of mastery and magnificence, health, purity and love.

Breathe this love and light into your being, breathing it into your heart, and in its expansion receiving a releasing of the distortions of memory and patterns of behaviour of the emotions and the mind – as you breathe – and acknowledge your challenges and fears and sadness and pain and patterns of distortion - offering up and surrendering for release all sadness, disappointment, pain, grief, regret, anger, confusion, doubt and fear.

Expand and receive a further opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - with much assistance given - the open and feeling heart, able to receive the love which is now pulsed to you by so many angels who are with you always - experiencing great expansion as this love floods your being - removing all careworn sadness and disappointment - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness.


In this expanded state, receive the anchoring now of the Holograms of the New World

That which is stepped within now is the doorway to the New World – and in deep willingness and surrender, let go of any fears you retain from the nature of your experiences in other worlds, other lifetimes – and bring your purity with you, your trust, your belief, and your Oneness with God – and step through the gateway as one who is a leader of the New World, one who comes to anchor great light and knowledge and wisdom to establish this great age which is now stepped within – as all which is of the old, which is distorted and of suffering and pain, of intolerance and without love and acceptance and understanding falls away – replaced by that which holds all of the ideals of perfection and that which embodies all of the Holograms of Divine Perfection and whose reality is one governed by the Templates of Universal Law, those which are of love, sharing, trust, belief, care, balance, honour, truth, respect, play, joy, justice, equality and unconditionality.

Receive the anchoring now of the Hologram of the New World – as your own role is given you and as you receive alignment with your role and with all destiny partners and destiny countries and places of residence. And surrender in willingness to receive grace and ease as the transition is made to the New World, and to flow, in grace, and in trust, to your new places of residence, those where you are most needed and where your energies are most closely and divinely aligned. And receive all of your needs met – as you call for these, for that which you are needing at this time which will allow the changes to occur gracefully and without stress and struggle.

The divine ones who are of recent incarnation, and the squadrons of those who are yet to come are welcomed with love – and accept the honour and reverence that is you due as one of those who entered earlier, to anchor the light, to clear the way, to release the distortions in self and to achieve your transformation, such that was then anchored holographically to achieve the grid of the new World in readiness of the divine ones who are children of the divine.

And open your hearts, your beloved hearts in welcome to these ones.

And in gratitude for your own transformation and the release of all that which has held you from oneness, from love, from trust, from wholeness and joy and fulfillment and self-knowledge and self-love – then share your love and your trust with these ones – as the fuel which will sustain the new children and prepare them in readiness for the New World.

And the grids of the New Children are achieved in readiness – and the guardians are put in place – and those who are the guardians of the children of the divine – receive your placement with honour and reverence – and open your heart and your being to receive the love that is given you to sustain your own path as guide and guardian of the divine children, those who bring their mastery, their magnificence, their purity and perfection to earth to build the New World.

And as the children receive all assistance from the family of light to connect to their own grids of light, those which will sustain their path with the sustenance, support, guidance and inter-connection that will bring ease and grace to them upon their path – open your great hearts in love of these divine ones, to sustain their days and their life path – and make your vow and agreement that you will offer all assistance, love, sustenance, support – and understanding and acceptance of these ones – sufficient that they may in trust open now to their paths of light and of leadership. And all accept now the Hologram of Children of the Divine.

Beloveds, receive full reconnection with the etheric grid of the Flower of Life – and receive reconnection with the creation grids of the earth – those which are of love and light and creation – and accept inter-connection with the faery realms and the devic realms which hold the keys for manifestation, and open your wondrous hearts to have restored to you the ability and gift to manifest your own needs merely through pure intent – and in trust accept this gift restored to you, that which gives you the power and ability to create your own reality – and allow the full release of your doubts and fears and inabilities and wounds which are held from your ancient lifetimes of service to creation – as Divine Mother and the Karmic Board take from you with full karmic absolution all records of the akasha and all memories and beliefs, programs, patterns and seals which are distorted and which stand in the way of your ability to reconnect fully with your creation power and ability.

And accept the Hologram of Simplistic Creation – as you flow in the godstreams, unlimited, in purity and with your hearts fully opened – and make your intents for that which you desire to achieve – that which is the life of your dreams in support of your own particular role within the divine plan for the New World.

As acceptance fills you of all that has occurred across the aeons of creation since the original separation from your god – as the suffering and the pain and the distortion is released from you – and as you come to full acceptance of the nature of self-choice to experience all of creation and all of duality – and as you receive full karmic release of the suffering you have experienced – and your suffering on behalf of humanity, those who are caught still within the web of suffering – then come to terms with the nature of the path of humanity – and accept and surrender in willingness to let go of your fears and doubts – and surrender fully to the divine – as you flow in the unlimited realms of godliness – those which take you beyond suffering, and into the creation of the New World which is based on the Templates of Universal Law and the Holograms of Divine Perfection – where duality has been annulled and all is based on acceptance, tolerance, trust, belief, understanding, sharing, justice, truth and unconditional love.

And as you receive the Hologram of Evolution, receive your placement upon the path of evolution, that which is beyond suffering – and that which is of fulfillment, peace, joy, play, love, using all of your divine gifts in service to the divine and to the New World.

Those who are the educators and guardians and caretakers of the New Children – those who bring their mastery, truth, knowledge, wisdom, purity, tolerance and acceptance as the platform which will hold the divine children and give them the sustenance, support, guidance and acceptance that will allow the New Children to blossom and to offer their pearls of truth and divinity, of wisdom and beauty to lead the New World – receive their roles within the New World – and take their places – with all honour as is their due. And they receive with grace all that they require to take their place and to play their roles of care, support and acceptance of these new ones who require safety which will allow them to fully blossom and to unfurl like lotus petals in the morning sun into the mastery that imbues them so fully.

And those who are the educators receive all the support of which they are in need as they break new ground, that which has not yet been brought to earth, and they are held in love and honour sufficient that these new methods of education may achieve their anchoring to earth with the honour and acceptance that is their due.

And as the Hologram of Education is anchored and received – the new learnings and teachings, programs and curriculums of creativity, of music, of dance, movement, art, creation – and of higher mind, higher wisdom - and of love and tolerance, sharing, joining, truth and respect are received by those who are the educators – and those who are the Children of the Divine.


With your breath, receive clearing, repatterning, restoration to original divine blueprint of each crystal, chakra and vortex, portal and gateway of each diamond plate of your multidimensional bodies of light, calling for release of all karmic memories and records of distortion which are held, with grace and ease

- commencing with the diamond plate of Soul DNA
- Genetic DNA
- Physical body
- Etheric body
- Emotional body
- Mental body
- Spiritual body
- Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine body
- Star body
- Solar/Lunar body
- Soul body
- the body of Divine Presence
- and the multidimensional soul gateways

Cleared of distortions, and your bodies of light ablaze with flowing light, breathe these energies into your being, held by angels and Masters – as you now unburden your heart of all suffering and pain and confusion – receiving transmissions of grace and many blessings of love.


And travelling deeper now into the heart, breathe deeply, deeply cocooned in soft love, as we travel to the temple of your heart, a beautiful temple with a golden domed ceiling and sparkling white columns of crystal quartz and mosaics and geometries of deepest rose quartz on the floors and walls.

There are 4 angels – your own personal angelic guides who make their connection with you, and pulse you with their love – as you ask for their assistance and guidance in those areas of your life where you are needing help. These ones are waiting for your permission, to help you – if you ask for their help – as they are so willing and ready to help in every area of your life.

Held by angels you are able to acknowledge in yourself the patterns you hold – of distortion, of sadness and pain and disempowerment, fear, anger, chaos, disillusion, jealousy, judgement, impatience, bitterness, lack of trust and lack of faith, and confusion and lack of direction – and acknowledge your own part in any challenges that are playing out in your life, and accept that within the Law of Attraction you have attracted to you what you hold as distortion and as karmic records of your soul – and may surrender and hand over all distortion and pain, sadness, disempowerment, loneliness and lack of trust – as the Karmic Board offers for release with full karmic absolution the original akashic records of your soul which lie beneath and at the core of the patterns you have acknowledged. In special dispensation, the akashic records of your soul are offered for release across all timelines and all dimensions, with karmic absolution and without the need for further initiations.

Within your heart temple you are able now to offer acceptance and forgiveness for all that has happened in your lifetime – bringing to forgiveness all that may be unresolved in your lifetime, forgiving father and mother and brothers and sisters, children, loved ones, lovers, friends and acquaintances with whom you have unresolved issues that create pain for you – as you are assisted to forgive now and to allow the past to be put behind you – as Archangel Michael cuts the karmic cords which may have tied you to painful experiences and memories which are connected to experiences of ancient times of disempowerment and pain and sadness which have pulled you so often into the disempowerment and sadness of your memories of the past.

And within the temple of your heart we may find those aspects of self which are wounded and in separation and in fear – soul extensions of past and parallel lifetimes who are wounded and suffering – as you acknowledge where you are in pain and fear and disempowerment and suffering, anger, chaos, disillusion, lack of faith, and confusion and lack of clarity and direction – acknowledging the existence of the distortions that create all of your life experiences - and these aspects of self, soul extensions, receive cosmic tools of healing – as you open your heart to these ones in love of them and of their experiences – as a rainbow bridge of light is anchored into your heart to allow these ones to return to you, healed and no longer in separation and in sabotage of you and your path – and they return in a steady stream – and will continue – until all parts which are in separation receive their return Home in wholeness.


And you may unburden the heart of all that saddens and limits you – receiving many transmissions of healing and restoration – as your heart and your being open further – to your higher purpose and life mission and destiny – and you may open yourself to receive knowledge of your life path and direction – for this to make itself known – and to receive the transmissions of blessings that your life path may align, and all destiny partners and destiny opportunities may be put in place, and received – with impulses of bravery and courage, trust, faith and love received now.


And there is a turquoise pool within the temple of your heart – and assisted by angels to untie your golden cord of divinity from around your waist, and to take off your robe of purest white – you may safely dive into the pool in the temple of your heart – and wash off all remaining distortion and pain and fear, doubt, sadness and grief – as all washes away and is taken from you.

And you may offer yourself forgiveness for any imperfection, any error of judgement or mistake you have ever made – and apologise to those you may have hurt – and receive their forgiveness.

And those who have hurt you and caused you grief and pain – within the temple of your heart you are assisted and able to forgive these ones – and to see the bigger picture – that you have chosen your karmic partners to play out between you the imbalances which will ultimately set you free of the distortions of ages past – and to accept now the release of all blame and judgement and pain and separation and grief – as the cords between you and each of your karmic partners where there are unresolved issues between you – are cut, with karmic absolution – and an end is put to all initiations of karmic redress and imbalance.

Ablaze with light, with all gateways opened, cleared, activated – with karmic distortions and blockages released – open yourself now to receive repatterning and restoration of your angelic matrix and angelic master body, your initial divine state, upon which all other higher bodies of light may anchor – as your angelic wings are restored to you – and the angelic gifts are returned.

Your galactic presence signature is activated through all chakras and bodies of light – as you open yourself to receive the restoration of your soul gifts, higher gifts of light.

Allow the higher multidimensional bodies of light to be received, and for connection with the love, light, power and creation grids of heaven and of earth, and for all processes to be put in place for your ultimate wholeness, and ascension with your god.

With love allow your keepership to be activated and anchored to earth – that you may embody your mastery and magnificence.

The Crystal of Disengagement is anchored and activated – that you may rise above all lower realities – and reside in the New World – detaching from physical distortion and pain, as you open your heart, and take your awareness up and above the third dimension and its cares and concerns and struggles of fear and suffering – and receive reconnection with the godstreams – where all is unlimited – without pain or limitation – experiencing disengagement and detachment from lower reality suffering and pain – and bliss, peace, safety and freedom from care – as you safely flow in the energies of the divine - and this may be your new reality, of unlimitedness, joy, peace, fulfillment and love.

Your Council of Light intensifies their love as your Galactic Presence, Divine Presence anchors and commences mergence with you –- and as all energies of transmission of excellence and wholeness now receive alignment.

Open your hearts, your beings, in gratitude – and allow your heart’s deepest dreams to surface with yearning and love.

What are your dreams for your life? If money, and time, and opportunity, was not an issue – what is it that you would love to do, that would create in you such joy and fulfillment? We are meant to create in joy, and play – and it is that which we do most easily, and with most joy – that is our gift to the world.

Ask for the opportunities you require – to allow you to step forward into the life of your highest and deepest dreams.

And open your hearts to receive the blessings of the angels and holy ones
– in gratitude and joy receive.

And as you expand in gratitude, original divinity now experienced in the fullest flows of love, and as your path of magnificence opens to you with such assistance and support given in all areas of your life, your heart and your being opens wide to enable you to receive the Holograms of Divine Perfection, singing the mantras to allow these to anchor through you and to Gaia and to her sacred portals and grids of light






And as the worlds separate and shift, the new etheric body for Gaia is achieved, holding all of the templates and holograms of perfection, holding the ideal and dream and possibility for perfection for each of her inhabitants. And open your hearts and your beings in willingness to live your reality as one which interconnects with Gaia’s highest reality – in the ideals of trust, truth, love, sharing, equality, justice and plenty from which you will expand your energies outwards – to live the life of your dreams. And as the shift occurs, and the old world with its many distortions is left behind – accept your placement upon your destiny path as a Dreamer of the New World, one who lives a higher reality of all possibility within the deepest core of your highest heart’s dreams. And make your intent, in willingness to continue to break free from every distortion that comes into your life, to live the life of your fullest dreams of fulfillment on earth and in completion of your divine life contracts.

And as you flow in the blissful streams of godliness, receive all the support and love that will sustain all of your days within your life plan as leaders and Dreamers of the New World – flowing with the godstreams - as you make your requests, and receive all that you require for fulfillment, peace, and connection with the divine that will sustain every area of your life. You are revered for your roles and all that you request as that which will bring most ease, grace, fulfillment and love is given you.

With joy and love, in wholeness and bliss and empowered as Dreamers to play your role as divine models and holograms of divinity, share with your voices the anchoring of the Divine Templates as the worlds shift and move and all possibilities are put in place - toning and sounding and making your Oms - to share with humanity the new realities made possible by your group work, and with Gaia and her portals, her waterways and oceans and with her animals and devas and realms and kingdoms and with humanity. I Am Divine Father God

Dreaming the New World - Blueprints for the New Human - Level 8 - Holograms of Perfection

~ Level 8 Hologram of Perfection ~

Level 8 Holograms of Perfection can be viewed and downloaded from the link ..

And the entire series of holograms can be viewed and downloaded from the link


~ Hologram of Perfection ~
Level 8

Breathe deeply, as we call in many angels, archangels, Elohim, Enlightened Masters, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, emissaries of light and love from the higher dimensions, ancient ones, sacred guardians and holders of all knowledge and wisdom through all dimensions, Gaia, the starry ones – your own Council of Light - all of the family of light gather around and hold you in love and make their connection with you – as you experience their love – and the heightened energies of expansion which now occur - as you open your hearts to receive the blessings they bring.

And think on the issues, the challenges that may have surfaced in these recent days and weeks – and the distorted patterns that you hold that may have risen to the surface and able to be more easily identified – as you accept that the nature of the ongoing levels of the holograms that are received increasingly will bring to the surface the distortions you may hold – so that these may be released and healed. And with relief hand over your struggle and challenge to the angels and to those who now attend to your energies with great love of you – and with your breath, release and surrender all.

As you breathe deeply, many angelic ones place you within a cocoon and chamber of light and of love, connected to the Source realms, and to Gaia – as assistance is given you to open each of your chakras –connecting through the portals of your physical body with the parallel kingdoms within the crystal grids of the earth - connecting through your own diamond body of light - connecting the portals of your light body with the diamond grid of light which surrounds the universe, connecting with the galaxies, aligning with the galactic portals, aligning with the Great Central Sun and with your planet of origin - and connecting and aligning also with the chakra points and portals of earth – all gateways and portals opened and restored - fully calibrated and aligned to divine perfection - connecting with Gaia - and with the realms of grace and with the Flower of Life – with all assistance given that you are fully and divinely connected and aligned to the highest potential for transformation, for love, for joy, for peace, for health, for truth – and for plenty and abundance.

Breathe deeply, as each individual chakra of the rainbow bridge galactic chakra column of light is now assisted to open and to receive release of all distortion - and repatterning to its original divine blueprint, activating and restoring your full connection with heaven and with earth.

Allow your heart to open, and as it opens and expands, offer up for release all sadness and pain, suffering, isolation, loneliness, confusion, doubt, separation and fear – breathing as you expand – and release – as you receive the release of all that saddens and limits you – and the angels and holy ones rejoice.

Expanding, and receiving an opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - breathing, breathing - able to receive the love of the angels and family of light which is pulsed to you so strongly. Opening your heart to receive all the love that these ones pulse to you - and expanding with love as this love fills you – and all careworn sadness and disappointment is released from you - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness and doubt and fear.

Breathing this love up into your thymus chakra, your higher heart, receiving a lifting from your thymus of the pain and fear you experience in your connection with humanity and its fear, darkness and desolation.

Divine Mother places her Pearl of Compassion into your thymus, which opens your heart to all others - while providing protection - enabling you to open wide your heart, without suffering or pain and being drained and disempowered by others.

Receive disconnection from the collective pain and fear-based consciousness of humanity – as an amethyst of divine protection is placed within your thymus chakra – that you may be free of the heaviness and dense negativity and pain of the collective consciousness.

Breathe the love of the Family of Light into your throat and receive a lifting and release of your doubts, hesitations and fears - and of the fears of others’ judgements and criticisms – the fear of making mistakes, and of being shamed by others - allowing you to stand in your truth and integrity. Your separateness, solitude and loneliness is released from you – and sadness and disappointment and doubt releases - as you receive assistance to step into your mastery, and the new life that is ahead.

And the love is breathed into the third eye, seat of your abilities and gifts, energised with healing light - expanding and filling the third eye with light and restoring the divine gifts in this chakra.

And breathing up through the crown chakra – as all distortions and blockages
release – and your crown chakra receives reconnection with the divine realms, with God, and the angels, and the family of light - and the higher chakras are restored, activated, repatterned – and connected with all multi-dimensional realms of importance to you. Breathe deeply to receive connection – energised and filled with golden Source light.

Breathing up through the higher chakras, passing through all the suns and moons, to the celestial realms, the galactic, universal and cosmic realms, to Source, to Father Mother God - connecting with your Divine Presence - and expanding in this connection - as Divine Presence anchors and aligns with your column of light.

And the divine energy spills over from your crown and fills all of your light body, filling you with pulses of light and restoration to your divine blueprint - expanding, expanding as wholeness is received.

Breathing now as we open and restore the lower chakras. The healing love is pulsed down into your solar plexus, releasing all fears and insecurities, hesitations and doubts of your abilities - releasing all hesitations to move forward through initiations within which you may be stuck, as these incomplete initiations are taken from you and dissolved.

You are pulsed with all assistance to continue strongly and firmly on your path of mastery, moving through all obstacles and doubts, leaving the old patterns of struggle behind. All the love and assistance that you need is given so that you may walk proudly and confidently forward on your path.

Your hara, at your navel, receives the pulses of divine light – as all issues and challenges of power are shown to you – and clearly able to be accepted and acknowledged – fear of others’ power, doubt of your own power – as powerlessness is released – and your power centre receives restoration.

The sacral chakra receives healing pulses of love - releasing the blockages to your creative gifts – as ancient patterns of disempowerment and of distorted behaviour release.

You are assisted to acknowledge that each part of your life has played a role in preparation for your higher path. Everything which has gone ahead – has prepared and paved the way for your excellence and mastery which lies ahead – as you now confidently step forward having released so many limiting fears and blockages and patterns of behaviour which formerly have held you back from stepping forward fully into brilliance and mastery.

Breathing in the divine energy as it releases the old patterns and blockages which restrict your ability to create within your mastery - as your mastery is restored to you, unrestricted and unobstructed by the ancient patterns of doubt and uncertainty and fear and pain – which are taken from you.

And any issues and challenges of sexuality which disturb and sadden and disempower – are acknowledged – as the memories and disturbance receive their release.

Breathing the love down into your base chakra, receiving this feeling of safety and security, of being firmly connected, as you receive all of the support and love of Gaia and of your Family of Light – as you accept the support of these realms pulsed to you.

And offering to your Family of Light your cares and concerns of survival and physical existence. Hand your fears to them – and ask for what you need that will bring most ease, and joy, and fulfillment and grace to your life. Ask for what it is you need that will bring ease and fulfillment to your life – and hand over all struggle and fear and pain.

And ponder on your belief that you are separate from god, abandoned, uncared for – that god and the angels listen to others, and not you – and that you are unable to have your physical needs fully met – the belief that you are worthless and not able to easily receive what you need and what you ask for the ease and joy and fulfillment of your physical life – as the original akashic records that lie at the core of these beliefs – those of the original separation from god – receive their release, with karmic absolution across all timelines and dimensions.

And receive restoration of your rod of power through your hara, connecting down through your lower chakras – and receiving reconnection through the sacral with the heart and the higher chakras – restoring the full chakra column in its connection with the heavenly realms, shut down in Ancient Egypt – as all processes are put in place for full restoration.

Breathing the love down, down, and through your Link chakra between your knees - missing, distorted, not activated in so many lightworkers, and through the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet in the earth, and restoring this chakra also that you may be securely grounded and able to receive assistance and achieve success in your life and your projects - and breathing down into the crystal heart of Gaia - receiving full connection with the earth and middle and inner earth realms. And breathe up this love and nurturing, connection, support and abundance as it is pulsed to you – experiencing safety, support, protection and stability as you breathe this energy up and into your heart - expanding and filling all of your bodies of light - the love of Gaia merging with the love of your Divine Presence - and expanding into this love as it washes each dimension of your being, raising your vibration, releasing all blockages and limitations – and restoring you to your divine blueprint of mastery and magnificence, health, purity and love.

Breathe this love and light into your being, breathing it into your heart, and in its expansion receiving a releasing of the distortions of memory and patterns of behaviour of the emotions and the mind – as you breathe – and acknowledge your challenges and fears and sadness and pain and patterns of distortion - offering up and surrendering for release all sadness, disappointment, pain, grief, regret, anger, confusion, doubt and fear.

Expand and receive a further opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - with much assistance given - the open and feeling heart, able to receive the love which is now pulsed to you by so many angels who are with you always - experiencing great expansion as this love floods your being - removing all careworn sadness and disappointment - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness.


In this expanded state, receive the anchoring now of the Holograms of Perfection.

Where there is imperfection in your life, those areas of your life that are incomplete, not stepped into, where there is lack of fulfillment, where things are not working for you, where there is challenge, distortion, imbalance, where what you give is not reflected fairly in what you receive, where there is struggle, conflict, things not working – then ponder on each area of your life which there is imperfection.

Now own your own part in each area of your life which has no flow or perfection, what it is in you that creates the imbalance, distortion – where you are holding back, stuck, not able to move forward beyond the blocks and distortions, fears, doubts and inabilities to change and to move forward.

And surrender these blocks and imbalances where things are not working, not flowing – and receive their release – and receive also the dissolution of the initiations within which you have been walking where you have been stuck and unable to move forward – and receive the release of your tiredness, exhaustion, disappointment and sadness at the relentless nature of that which has been your path and that which has been asked of you – and breathe, and breathe again, with relief, as all that holds you back from absolute perfection is taken from you.

And receive the anchoring of the Hologram of Perfection.

Where there is no clarity – where you lack direction or knowledge – of what steps to take next – what is your goal – what is your dream – where you have lost sight of your place within the divine plan, know not where it is that you need to be – knowing not what it is that you are meant to do – and know not where is your place within the divine plan – then allow the angels to reconnect you in full alignment within the divine plan that was chosen by you and your family of light.

And where you have stepped from your path, made wrong choices, fell astray, became burdened and tired and unable to sustain your path, felt that too much was asked of you, felt unable to meet the demands of your path – then allow the burdens to be taken from you, dissolved beloveds in love of you and your desire to be your all and give your all – as the angels hold you and love you and fluff up your energies, taking your exhaustion and tiredness from you, releasing you from your perplexity, confusion, bewilderment, and releasing you from chaos and lack of true direction – as you are now aligned with the divine plan, and your own place upon that plan is re-allotted to you in divine perfection, that path which will most easily and gracefully move you forward to your ascension, your full transformation, and allowing your ability to share your lighted wonder with all, that humanity may also receive the benefit of all that you bring to this earth for Gaia and for all. And receive the anchoring of the Hologram of Divine Plan.

That which is the path of your soul in its alignment in full restoration with godliness receives its full alignment within perfection – and those which are the initiations which are outstanding receive their dissolution – that you may with grace and ease progress forward into full lighted splendor.

And as the akashic records that are outstanding in the need for their healing and release – are transmuted beloveds – without the need for the ongoing working through of further initiations of power, trust, acceptance and unconditional love – and breathe deeply and surrender all that is incomplete and all that is in need of restoration – and call in all parts of self that are incomplete, separate, disconnected and in pain and suffering – and allow their full healing and re-mergence with your being in totality and in divinity – that your soul may receive all steps put in place which will allow full mergence with the divine.

Where there has been divergence from that which was chosen by you as your life path, where you have made different choices and decisions which have seen you take byways which have led to dead ends and where you have found yourself unable to step again, joyfully, along the path of your life which leads to fulfillment, joy, peace, plenty and interconnection in full with the divine and using all of your gifts and talents – then release all feelings of failure and disconnection from your true nature within divinity – and allow your place upon your life path to be restored to you, with delays dissolved, and opportunities lost restored to you – and breathe dear ones to allow your life path to be stepped upon in alignment with that which is most perfect for you – to allow full use of your wonder and light and love to be added to the frequencies of planet earth and to allow the frequencies to shift and to align with the divine plan that holds all humanity upon its path of ascension.

The ascension of your soul is assured beloved – and all steps are put in place for your ultimate wholeness, calling all parts of your soul back to god, with grace and ease – and with wonder at the experience and wisdom that you have attained across all the aeons of your soul’s journey – and your wisdom and love is added to the libraries of the divine as always they were intended to be added – that there may be reason and purpose for the path of your soul – that this may be known to you, and accepted – as you release your feelings of irritation, sadness, grief, pain, anger and doubt – at that which has been the path of your soul – and accept that which has occurred as that which was chosen by your soul and by your soul monad as that which was desired – and let your railing at god desist – and accept your own role in that which has played out and that which has been desired – and accept also the transformation which is now given you, as your soul is restored to original divine blueprint and perfection as god – and receiving the anchoring of the Hologram of Soul Purpose.

The path of the divine, the Beauty Path, is given you – taking you from the path of pain and suffering – and giving you, in special dispensation for your role – the Beauty Path – the path of splendor and peace, plenty and love. And receive the anchoring of the Hologram of Divine Path.

Accept mergence with those who formed with you the original split into the monad – as you are restored to oneness with your god and ascension. And those soul partners who have played role which has brought pain and separation and angst and confusion – then you are assisted to see the broader picture, as the angels hold you and urge you forward to let go of your angst and your pain and your anger and irritation at those who are soul partners who have played role to trigger you so painfully, to urge you forward and to heal and to transform.

And you are assisted to allow to be accepted the path of your soul – the nature of your interactions with those who have played role over and over across the aeons, and between you playing out relentlessly the nature of the karmic disturbances and distortions you hold within your monad.

And as the Karmic Board offers for release the akashic records that are unresolved, those still outstanding in their need for healing and release – then breathe dear ones, and call in all soul partners and forgive and release – as all is taken from you which is unresolved. And receive anchoring of the Hologram of Soul Partners.

You are enabled now to merge with your soul partners, all distortions now released and taken from you – that you may in wholeness now step forward upon your path of light and ascension – bringing all parts of self home, back to Oneness with your god – and in enhanced energies of oneness and wholeness add your light to those upon the earth plane, as was ever intended beloveds – in full use of your lighted splendor in service to humanity and to the divine. Receive the Hologram of Mergence with Soul Partners.

Where you have doubted the existence of the higher nature of your gifts, where there has been doubt and distortion and mistrust – then offer these doubts to the divine as the angels take from you the akashic records that lie at the core of these doubts which have resulted from the nature of your experiences of earthly life across the aeons. And allow in the anchoring of the Hologram of Soul Gifts – the return of your higher gifts of light, those which are of multidimensionality and interconnection with your godliness.

Your soul’s dreams are released that you may know of these – those which are held so deeply at your core. And those which are your heart’s dreams, that which you dream for self in such sweet desires for peace, plenty, ease, grace, fulfillment and joy – then allow these to make themselves known to you in all of their manifestations of earthly life – and allow the heart’s dreams to surface – and to be known – and embroider the heart’s dreams with your desires for love and peace and grace and ease – and for meaning and fulfillment and joy in the use of that which is the best that you hold, your beauty and joy, your enthusiasm, your gifts and talents – and allow the anchoring of the Hologram of Fruition of Heart’s Dreams to bring you all that you desire.

Where there has been disappointment, where you have commenced projects which held great promise and where you enthusiastically applied all of your intelligence and drive, your gifts and talents to these dreams – and where there was not success – then offer up all pain and sadness, tiredness, exhaustion, disappointment and sorrow – and accept that the timing of your projects was not aligned fully and properly with the divine plan – and allow the sadness and tiredness to be taken from you – and accept that in part it was the nature of your will, which was not entirely aligned with the divine will, but aligned with your mind only – that allowed not the success of your projects – and accept beloveds that you were not fully in alignment with the timing of your life path – and allow all to release – taking from you your disappointment and your feeling that you have failed – your exhaustion and tiredness is taken from you – and you are enthused and infused with energies of great love which will allow you now to surge forward, again, divinely aligned now upon your life path and soul path – and take, receive, the Hologram of Success as it is anchored now – allowing you to have the success that will bring to you the fruition of all of your heart’s dreams.

And open your hearts, and rejoice, in gratitude – as the memories of the past are taken from you – allowing you in brilliant enthusiasm to again enter the fray, freshly inspired, with such wisdom gained from every experience of your life – taking all the disappointment – and the wisdom retained.

You are our beloveds, so loved for all that you desire to achieve – and regret there is for the misalignment that has in the past brought you disappointment and experiences of failure. You are so revered for your efforts of light. You are our beloveds and no stops will be left unpulled to see you upon your destiny paths of lighted splendor, those which will bring you success and achievement of your heart’s dreams in their entirety. You are our beloveds.


With your breath, receive clearing, repatterning, restoration to original divine blueprint of each crystal, chakra and vortex, portal and gateway of each diamond plate of your multidimensional bodies of light, calling for release of all karmic memories and records of distortion which are held, with grace and ease

- commencing with the diamond plate of Soul DNA
- Genetic DNA
- Physical body
- Etheric body
- Emotional body
- Mental body
- Spiritual body
- Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine body
- Star body
- Solar/Lunar body
- Soul body
- the body of Divine Presence
- and the multidimensional soul gateways

Cleared of distortions, and your bodies of light ablaze with flowing light, breathe these energies into your being, held by angels and Masters – as you now unburden your heart of all suffering and pain and confusion – receiving transmissions of grace and many blessings of love.


And travelling deeper now into the heart, breathe deeply, deeply cocooned in soft love, as we travel to the temple of your heart, a beautiful temple with a golden domed ceiling and sparkling white columns of crystal quartz and mosaics and geometries of deepest rose quartz on the floors and walls.

There are 4 angels – your own personal angelic guides who make their connection with you, and pulse you with their love – as you ask for their assistance and guidance in those areas of your life where you are needing help. These ones are waiting for your permission, to help you – if you ask for their help – as they are so willing and ready to help in every area of your life.

Held by angels you are able to acknowledge in yourself the patterns you hold – of distortion, of sadness and pain and disempowerment, fear, anger, chaos, disillusion, jealousy, judgement, impatience, bitterness, lack of trust and lack of faith, and confusion and lack of direction – and acknowledge your own part in any challenges that are playing out in your life, and accept that within the Law of Attraction you have attracted to you what you hold as distortion and as karmic records of your soul – and may surrender and hand over all distortion and pain, sadness, disempowerment, loneliness and lack of trust – as the Karmic Board offers for release with full karmic absolution the original akashic records of your soul which lie beneath and at the core of the patterns you have acknowledged. In special dispensation, the akashic records of your soul are offered for release across all timelines and all dimensions, with karmic absolution and without the need for further initiations.

Within your heart temple you are able now to offer acceptance and forgiveness for all that has happened in your lifetime – bringing to forgiveness all that may be unresolved in your lifetime, forgiving father and mother and brothers and sisters, children, loved ones, lovers, friends and acquaintances with whom you have unresolved issues that create pain for you – as you are assisted to forgive now and to allow the past to be put behind you – as Archangel Michael cuts the karmic cords which may have tied you to painful experiences and memories which are connected to experiences of ancient times of disempowerment and pain and sadness which have pulled you so often into the disempowerment and sadness of your memories of the past.

And within the temple of your heart we may find those aspects of self which are wounded and in separation and in fear – soul extensions of past and parallel lifetimes who are wounded and suffering – as you acknowledge where you are in pain and fear and disempowerment and suffering, anger, chaos, disillusion, lack of faith, and confusion and lack of clarity and direction – acknowledging the existence of the distortions that create all of your life experiences - and these aspects of self, soul extensions, receive cosmic tools of healing – as you open your heart to these ones in love of them and of their experiences – as a rainbow bridge of light is anchored into your heart to allow these ones to return to you, healed and no longer in separation and in sabotage of you and your path – and they return in a steady stream – and will continue – until all parts which are in separation receive their return Home in wholeness.


And you may unburden the heart of all that saddens and limits you – receiving many transmissions of healing and restoration – as your heart and your being open further – to your higher purpose and life mission and destiny – and you may open yourself to receive knowledge of your life path and direction – for this to make itself known – and to receive the transmissions of blessings that your life path may align, and all destiny partners and destiny opportunities may be put in place, and received – with impulses of bravery and courage, trust, faith and love received now.


And there is a turquoise pool within the temple of your heart – and assisted by angels to untie your golden cord of divinity from around your waist, and to take off your robe of purest white – you may safely dive into the pool in the temple of your heart – and wash off all remaining distortion and pain and fear, doubt, sadness and grief – as all washes away and is taken from you.

And you may offer yourself forgiveness for any imperfection, any error of judgement or mistake you have ever made – and apologise to those you may have hurt – and receive their forgiveness.

And those who have hurt you and caused you grief and pain – within the temple of your heart you are assisted and able to forgive these ones – and to see the bigger picture – that you have chosen your karmic partners to play out between you the imbalances which will ultimately set you free of the distortions of ages past – and to accept now the release of all blame and judgement and pain and separation and grief – as the cords between you and each of your karmic partners where there are unresolved issues between you – are cut, with karmic absolution – and an end is put to all initiations of karmic redress and imbalance.

Ablaze with light, with all gateways opened, cleared, activated – with karmic distortions and blockages released – open yourself now to receive repatterning and restoration of your angelic matrix and angelic master body, your initial divine state, upon which all other higher bodies of light may anchor – as your angelic wings are restored to you – and the angelic gifts are returned.

Your galactic presence signature is activated through all chakras and bodies of light – as you open yourself to receive the restoration of your soul gifts, higher gifts of light.

Allow the higher multidimensional bodies of light to be received, and for connection with the love, light, power and creation grids of heaven and of earth, and for all processes to be put in place for your ultimate wholeness, and ascension with your god.

With love allow your keepership to be activated and anchored to earth – that you may embody your mastery and magnificence.

The Crystal of Disengagement is anchored and activated – that you may rise above all lower realities – and reside in the New World – detaching from physical distortion and pain, as you open your heart, and take your awareness up and above the third dimension and its cares and concerns and struggles of fear and suffering – and receive reconnection with the godstreams – where all is unlimited – without pain or limitation – experiencing disengagement and detachment from lower reality suffering and pain – and bliss, peace, safety and freedom from care – as you safely flow in the energies of the divine - and this may be your new reality, of unlimitedness, joy, peace, fulfillment and love.

Your Council of Light intensifies their love as your Galactic Presence, Divine Presence anchors and commences mergence with you –- and as all energies of transmission of excellence and wholeness now receive alignment.

Open your hearts, your beings, in gratitude – and allow your heart’s deepest dreams to surface with yearning and love.

What are your dreams for your life? If money, and time, and opportunity, was not an issue – what is it that you would love to do, that would create in you such joy and fulfillment? We are meant to create in joy, and play – and it is that which we do most easily, and with most joy – that is our gift to the world.

Ask for the opportunities you require – to allow you to step forward into the life of your highest and deepest dreams.

And open your hearts to receive the blessings of the angels and holy ones
– in gratitude and joy receive.

And as you expand in gratitude, original divinity now experienced in the fullest flows of love, and as your path of magnificence opens to you with such assistance and support given in all areas of your life, your heart and your being opens wide to enable you to receive the Holograms of Divine Perfection, singing the mantras to allow these to anchor through you and to Gaia and to her sacred portals and grids of light








….. pause and then go into level 9 …… and concludeß

And as the worlds separate and shift, the new etheric body for Gaia is achieved, holding all of the templates and holograms of perfection, holding the ideal and dream and possibility for perfection for each of her inhabitants. And open your hearts and your beings in willingness to live your reality as one which interconnects with Gaia’s highest reality – in the ideals of trust, truth, love, sharing, equality, justice and plenty from which you will expand your energies outwards – to live the life of your dreams. And as the shift occurs, and the old world with its many distortions is left behind – accept your placement upon your destiny path as a Dreamer of the New World, one who lives a higher reality of all possibility within the deepest core of your highest heart’s dreams. And make your intent, in willingness to continue to break free from every distortion that comes into your life, to live the life of your fullest dreams of fulfillment on earth and in completion of your divine life contracts.

And as you flow in the blissful streams of godliness, receive all the support and love that will sustain all of your days within your life plan as leaders and Dreamers of the New World – flowing with the godstreams - as you make your requests, and receive all that you require for fulfillment, peace, and connection with the divine that will sustain every area of your life. You are revered for your roles and all that you request as that which will bring most ease, grace, fulfillment and love is given you.

With joy and love, in wholeness and bliss and empowered as Dreamers to play your role as divine models and holograms of divinity, share with your voices the anchoring of the Divine Templates as the worlds shift and move and all possibilities are put in place - toning and sounding and making your Oms - to share with humanity the new realities made possible by your group work, and with Gaia and her portals, her waterways and oceans and with her animals and devas and realms and kingdoms and with humanity. I Am Divine Father God


In September I was given 100 Divine Holograms of Divine Perfection, Creation Blueprints of Divine Wholeness to anchor to earth as part of the planetary work we share in Dreaming the New World. The templates are grouped into 9 monthly activations –

1. Hologram of Physical Perfection
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Health
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Fearlessness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Joy
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Happiness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Peace
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Plenty
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Equality
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Justice
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Impermeability
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Implausibility

2. Holograms of Wholeness
Hologram of Innocence
Hologram of Purity
Hologram of Vitality
Hologram of Courage
Hologram of Faith
Hologram of Serenity
Hologram of Truth
Hologram of Integrity
Hologram of Perfection of Attitude
Hologram of Acceptance
Hologram of Contentment
Hologram of Fulfillment
Hologram of Satisfaction
Hologram of Capability
Hologram of Competency
Hologram of Equilibrium
Hologram of Approbation
Hologram of Merit

3. Hologram of Beauty
Hologram of Simplicity
Hologram of Unconditionality
Hologram of Reason

4. Hologram of Release of Sorrow
Hologram of Release of Guilt
Hologram of Release of Regret
Hologram of Release of Anger
Hologram of Release of Bitterness
Hologram of Release of Jealousy

5. Hologram of God
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Inter-Connection with the Divine
Hologram of Linking and Interconnection with Illustrious Planet of Origin
Hologram of Co-operative Support by the Divine
Hologram of Divine Inspiration
Hologram of Divine Providence
Hologram of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is
Hologram of Divine Support of Creation
Hologram of Trust in the Divine
Hologram of Susceptibility to the Divine
Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine
Hologram of Gratitude and Love of the Divine

6. Hologram of Divine Perfection
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Restoration to Wholeness with the Divine
Hologram of Angelic Restoration to Divine Blueprint
Hologram of Restoration of Bodies of Light and Multidimensionality
Hologram of Galactic Gifts and Nature
Hologram of Illustriousness
Hologram of Divine Mind
Hologram of Impeccability
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Clarity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Speech, Oration, Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Power
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positivity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positive Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Focus
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intent
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Creativity
Hologram of Creation Ability

7. Hologram of Love
Hologram of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Heart Opening
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Gentle Heart
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Affectionate Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intimate Love
Hologram of Enamoured Love
Hologram of Romantic Love
Hologram of Peaceful and Happy Heart
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love

8. Hologram of Perfection
Hologram of Divine Plan
Hologram of Soul Path
Hologram of Life Path
Hologram of Soul Purpose
Hologram of Divine Path
Hologram of Soul Partners
Hologram of Mergence with Soul Partners
Hologram of Soul Gifts
Hologram of Fruition of Heart’s Dreams
Hologram of Success

9. Hologram of New World
Hologram of the New World
Hologram of Children of the Divine
Hologram of Simplistic Creation
Hologram of Evolution
Hologram of Education

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together.

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together

‘The earth changes may receive their culmination when a percentage of 30% of humanity is in heightened reconnection with the divine within, and the relentless nature of the continuing destruction-based onslaughts will, by the great heart opening that occurs in sadness at the continuing levels of huge pain and loss within brother and sister that results, bring heightened levels of divinity which may reach its timely commencement with the hallowed time of such speculation (2012). And so it is not the destruction that occurs that is the prime reason for the losses, but it is the heart opening and softening and love of one for another, one for all, that is the fulcrum which, in rising from disillusionment towards sad love of others, lifts all from the percentile reached, and indeed the fulcrum of love and hope propels all upon their journey Home.’ Lady Ashtar

We all play our role in this great heart opening that is occurring,
sharing our love and our wholeness with humanity
that the hearts of all may open, and we may journey Home.

Aug 17, 2011

Blueprints for the New Human - Level 7 - Holograms of Love

~ Hologram of Love ~
Level 7

We near the end now of the anchoring of the Creation Blueprint Holograms. This month’s Holograms of Love are so very beautiful – offering great healing of our heartbreaks of this lifetime and those of our genetic inheritance through our father and mother lineage, and allowing a blossoming and opening of the heart so that we may open to receive the final holograms – of soul gifts, life path, soul purpose, mergence with soul partners and fruition of heart’s dreams – and then the final hologram of the New World.

Moving through quickly now to anchor the final holograms over a shortened period, to allow me to conclude this level of my service contract so that my new work may open to me, as I shut many doors to allow in the new.

Two very beautiful The Path of the Mystic sacred mystery schools last month – and through the synergy of the blend of the wonders of the energies of the participants, the light city at the Temple of Heaven was fully anchored to earth and the Flower of Life also fully anchored at our beautiful location - which allows manifestation to occur so gracefully, bringing new wonders to each who walk through the rice paddies to share in our regular Thursday activations – indeed we have been told to be very careful with our thoughts while at the Temple of Heaven, for manifestation occurs so quickly. We thank our beautiful Malika, our Keeper of the Flower of Life, for all that she has brought to earth. Malika and I jointly offered our recent Japanese sacred mystery school.

Such a gift to have this anchoring and connection with the Flower of Life at the Temple of Heaven – for as we receive the series of Hologram activations as the healing program that frees us from the individual wounds and distortions we have carried across the aeons, and the holograms of divine perfection are enabled to be anchored, our heart’s dreams then open to us – and are brought to manifestation through our wondrous linking with the Flower of Life.

You can link with us each Thursday at 10am Bali time – or intend that your energies are aligned same place, same time. If you would like to especially be called in to receive with us, you can email me – as the energies are greatly enhanced for those who actively connect with the group in Bali.


Level 7 Holograms of Love can be viewed and downloaded from the link

And the entire series of holograms can be viewed and downloaded from the link


For photos of our recent mystery schools you can click these links:

Sacred Circle Dance Workshop 8 October 10am to 3 pm
at the Temple of Heaven

On the 8 October we will have a Sacred Circle Dance Workshop – at the beautiful Temple of Heaven, held in the arms of the nature and the gods as we connect with the divine through dance and ancient music, reliving sacred memories of cultures worldwide at this divine location. I am excited to join this workshop which will be led by Margaret and some of the Avalon pod from Australia, as there is such joy and interconnection with the divine that we receive through these sacred dances. Margaret and the Avalon pod regularly gather in sacred places to dance and to perform ritual and earth healing and it is such a privilege that they will bring the dances to Bali so that we may share.

Further details email Margaret:
Click this link for the flier……


New workshop October 10-13 2011 10am to 4pm

The first of the new Blueprints for the New Human workshop will be at The Temple of Heaven, in Ubud, Bali – 3 days of receiving all 100 holograms and the healing program that accompanies these – and on the fourth day we will have a very beautiful ceremony of purification by water at a sacred Hindu temple. Contact me if you are interested to join.


Such joy to reach the conclusion of this planetary work we have shared – and in return may your heart’s dreams manifest in joy.

Astrea Sri Ana


~ Hologram of Love ~
Level 7

Breathe deeply, as we call in many angels, archangels, Elohim, Enlightened Masters, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, emissaries of light and love from the higher dimensions, ancient ones, sacred guardians and holders of all knowledge and wisdom through all dimensions, Gaia, the starry ones – your own Council of Light - all of the family of light gather around and hold you in love and make their connection with you – as you experience their love – and the heightened energies of expansion which now occur - as you open your hearts to receive the blessings they bring.

And think on the issues, the challenges that may have surfaced in these recent days and weeks – and the distorted patterns that you hold that may have risen to the surface and able to be more easily identified – as you accept that the nature of the ongoing levels of the holograms that are received increasingly will bring to the surface the distortions you may hold – so that these may be released and healed. And with relief hand over your struggle and challenge to the angels and to those who now attend to your energies with great love of you – and with your breath, release and surrender all.

As you breathe deeply, many angelic ones place you within a cocoon and chamber of light and of love, connected to the Source realms, and to Gaia – as assistance is given you to open each of your chakras –connecting through the portals of your physical body with the parallel kingdoms within the crystal grids of the earth - connecting through your own diamond body of light - connecting the portals of your light body with the diamond grid of light which surrounds the universe, connecting with the galaxies, aligning with the galactic portals, aligning with the Great Central Sun and with your planet of origin - and connecting and aligning also with the chakra points and portals of earth – all gateways and portals opened and restored - fully calibrated and aligned to divine perfection - connecting with Gaia - and with the realms of grace and with the Flower of Life – with all assistance given that you are fully and divinely connected and aligned to the highest potential for transformation, for love, for joy, for peace, for health, for truth – and for plenty and abundance.

Breathe deeply, as each individual chakra of the rainbow bridge galactic chakra column of light is now assisted to open and to receive release of all distortion - and repatterning to its original divine blueprint, activating and restoring your full connection with heaven and with earth.

Allow your heart to open, and as it opens and expands, offer up for release all sadness and pain, suffering, isolation, loneliness, confusion, doubt, separation and fear – breathing as you expand – and release – as you receive the release of all that saddens and limits you – and the angels and holy ones rejoice.

Expanding, and receiving an opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - breathing, breathing - able to receive the love of the angels and family of light which is pulsed to you so strongly. Opening your heart to receive all the love that these ones pulse to you - and expanding with love as this love fills you – and all careworn sadness and disappointment is released from you - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness and doubt and fear.

Breathing this love up into your thymus chakra, your higher heart, receiving a lifting from your thymus of the pain and fear you experience in your connection with humanity and its fear, darkness and desolation.

Divine Mother places her Pearl of Compassion into your thymus, which opens your heart to all others - while providing protection - enabling you to open wide your heart, without suffering or pain and being drained and disempowered by others.

Receive disconnection from the collective pain and fear-based consciousness of humanity – as an amethyst of divine protection is placed within your thymus chakra – that you may be free of the heaviness and dense negativity and pain of the collective consciousness.

Breathe the love of the Family of Light into your throat and receive a lifting and release of your doubts, hesitations and fears - and of the fears of others’ judgements and criticisms – the fear of making mistakes, and of being shamed by others - allowing you to stand in your truth and integrity. Your separateness, solitude and loneliness is released from you – and sadness and disappointment and doubt releases - as you receive assistance to step into your mastery, and the new life that is ahead.

And the love is breathed into the third eye, seat of your abilities and gifts, energised with healing light - expanding and filling the third eye with light and restoring the divine gifts in this chakra.

And breathing up through the crown chakra – as all distortions and blockages
release – and your crown chakra receives reconnection with the divine realms, with God, and the angels, and the family of light - and the higher chakras are restored, activated, repatterned – and connected with all multi-dimensional realms of importance to you. Breathe deeply to receive connection – energised and filled with golden Source light.

Breathing up through the higher chakras, passing through all the suns and moons, to the celestial realms, the galactic, universal and cosmic realms, to Source, to Father Mother God - connecting with your Divine Presence - and expanding in this connection - as Divine Presence anchors and aligns with your column of light.

And the divine energy spills over from your crown and fills all of your light body, filling you with pulses of light and restoration to your divine blueprint - expanding, expanding as wholeness is received.

Breathing now as we open and restore the lower chakras. The healing love is pulsed down into your solar plexus, releasing all fears and insecurities, hesitations and doubts of your abilities - releasing all hesitations to move forward through initiations within which you may be stuck, as these incomplete initiations are taken from you and dissolved.

You are pulsed with all assistance to continue strongly and firmly on your path of mastery, moving through all obstacles and doubts, leaving the old patterns of struggle behind. All the love and assistance that you need is given so that you may walk proudly and confidently forward on your path.

Your hara, at your navel, receives the pulses of divine light – as all issues and challenges of power are shown to you – and clearly able to be accepted and acknowledged – fear of others’ power, doubt of your own power – as powerlessness is released – and your power centre receives restoration.

The sacral chakra receives healing pulses of love - releasing the blockages to your creative gifts – as ancient patterns of disempowerment and of distorted behaviour release.

You are assisted to acknowledge that each part of your life has played a role in preparation for your higher path. Everything which has gone ahead – has prepared and paved the way for your excellence and mastery which lies ahead – as you now confidently step forward having released so many limiting fears and blockages and patterns of behaviour which formerly have held you back from stepping forward fully into brilliance and mastery.

Breathing in the divine energy as it releases the old patterns and blockages which restrict your ability to create within your mastery - as your mastery is restored to you, unrestricted and unobstructed by the ancient patterns of doubt and uncertainty and fear and pain – which are taken from you.

And any issues and challenges of sexuality which disturb and sadden and disempower – are acknowledged – as the memories and disturbance receive their release.

Breathing the love down into your base chakra, receiving this feeling of safety and security, of being firmly connected, as you receive all of the support and love of Gaia and of your Family of Light – as you accept the support of these realms pulsed to you.

And offering to your Family of Light your cares and concerns of survival and physical existence. Hand your fears to them – and ask for what you need that will bring most ease, and joy, and fulfillment and grace to your life. Ask for what it is you need that will bring ease and fulfillment to your life – and hand over all struggle and fear and pain.

And ponder on your belief that you are separate from god, abandoned, uncared for – that god and the angels listen to others, and not you – and that you are unable to have your physical needs fully met – the belief that you are worthless and not able to easily receive what you need and what you ask for the ease and joy and fulfillment of your physical life – as the original akashic records that lie at the core of these beliefs – those of the original separation from god – receive their release, with karmic absolution across all timelines and dimensions.

And receive restoration of your rod of power through your hara, connecting down through your lower chakras – and receiving reconnection through the sacral with the heart and the higher chakras – restoring the full chakra column in its connection with the heavenly realms, shut down in Ancient Egypt – as all processes are put in place for full restoration.

Breathing the love down, down, and through your Link chakra between your knees missing, distorted, not activated in so many lightworkers, and through the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet in the earth, and restoring this chakra also that you may be securely grounded and able to receive assistance and achieve success in your life and your projects - and breathing down into the crystal heart of Gaia - receiving full connection with the earth and middle and inner earth realms. And breathe up this love and nurturing, connection, support and abundance as it is pulsed to you – experiencing safety, support, protection and stability as you breathe this energy up and into your heart - expanding and filling all of your bodies of light - the love of Gaia merging with the love of your Divine Presence - and expanding into this love as it washes each dimension of your being, raising your vibration, releasing all blockages and limitations – and restoring you to your divine blueprint of mastery and magnificence, health, purity and love.

Breathe this love and light into your being, breathing it into your heart, and in its expansion receiving a releasing of the distortions of memory and patterns of behaviour of the emotions and the mind – as you breathe – and acknowledge your challenges and fears and sadness and pain and patterns of distortion - offering up and surrendering for release all sadness, disappointment, pain, grief, regret, anger, confusion, doubt and fear.

Expand and receive a further opening of the heart, deeply breathing as the heart is enabled to open more widely - with much assistance given - the open and feeling heart, able to receive the love which is now pulsed to you by so many angels who are with you always - experiencing great expansion as this love floods your being - removing all careworn sadness and disappointment - filling you with the love of your Family of Light, and taking away all loneliness and feelings of isolation and separateness.


In this expanded state, receive the anchoring now of the Holograms of Love

Hologram of Love
Open your hearts and your beings to receive the love of self and the love of god. And where you are yearning for love, allow the truth to be known, that it is self-love that is most needed – the trust and acceptance of self, and the forgiveness for any and all mistakes which have taken you away from the love of self.

Where you have failed and let yourself down, where you have felt unable to love yourself, feeling less, damaged, bitter, revengeful, mistrusting, doubting – where you have felt yourself unattractive, imperfect, and not fitting the accepted norm of fashion and beauty and have loved yourself less and hurt yourself in this lack of love – then accept and acknowledge that you have lessened yourself in your own eyes in this inability to find yourself worthy of self-love – and forgive yourself within the eyes of your god for this lack of belief and love of the inherent divinity you hold as the sons and daughters of the one – and allow forgiveness through all dimensions to be received. And as you open your heart and your being in truth and in acceptance of self as holding the form of god within each cell and chakra and atom of your being – open into the love that you are, the mirror of god as his child, and accept the Hologram of Love.

Hologram of Divine Love
Accept reconnection with the divine love of god and the angels and the family of light – and allow all blocks, all failures, all regrets, all disconnection and separation to be taken from you, with all memories and records taken from you across all timelines - those of your experiences of being without the love of the divine - and those beliefs that you are separate, abandoned, unable to receive the love of god are taken from you – and the akashic records that lie at their core, those which originate in so many experiences of pain and suffering and disconnection - find their release as the Karmic Board offers transmutation of all that holds you separate from the love of the divine. And as you soar in the divine love that now fills each dimension of your being, accept the Hologram of Divine Love as it anchors through you.

Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Divine Love
Accept the manifestation of the gift of divine love, that which is ever-present for you, yet which has suffered separation from you, and that which you have believed to have been lost and unable to be fully recovered. The love of your god, and the realms and rays of all that which is divine are restored to you in full beloveds, as you accept the Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Divine Love – with you always, and having found release of all distortions and memories of your experiences of ancient times which have held you in separation from this love of the divine which is ever present.

Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Heart Opening
Where you have shut your heart in fear and in suffering, where you have shut your heart as means of protection from the pain of the world, where you have had experiences of heartbreak which have damaged and lessened and broken you in your ability to be fully present to life, or to love again – ponder on the great lack in your life that has resulted, lessened in your experience of all that is possible to receive in physical life – and see where your life has been half-lived, as a means of protection from your belief that you will be hurt and rejected and harmed and damaged by others. And acknowledge the damage that has been sustained. And own the fear you hold to again open your heart as you did before it was first broken. And accept all that has occurred, without judgement, without blame of self, or others – only accept all.

And now surrender all suffering, torment, heartbreak, fear and lack – and allow the angels to attend to each dimension of your beautiful hearts, to take from you the memories, the fears, the hurts, the heartbreaks and the suffering – as you open, in trust, to accept that it has been that which you have held within your chakras, that which you have brought into this life from previous lifetimes of hardship and heartbreak, and that which you have accumulated within your genetic lineage, that which has been passed down to you through the generations of your mother and father’s lineage – that has drawn to you the experiences of pain and hardship under the Law of Attraction, that which mirrors back to you what you are holding as akashic records of your soul – and allow the records of the akasha of each instance of heartbreak and suffering and pain to be released from you across all timelines and all dimensions with karmic absolution – and allow your genetic lineage to also be restored to purity and perfection and trust and gentle love through 7 generations back and 7 generations forward – allowing your DNA to reflect this release and this perfection - and allow the slate to be clean and free – that you may now, in open-hearted wonder, receive the Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Heart Opening – and may the heart opening and the blossoming of your heart bring you your mirror of innocence, trust and perfection.

Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Gentle Heart
In your lack of trust and belief that life will be gentle with you, and that you will achieve peace, success, love, fulfillment and plenty – acknowledge the harshness that has resulted, the bitterness, the lack of trust, lack of belief – and ponder on that which has been mirrored back to you in the lacks that have resulted from your beliefs and programs and patterns of bitterness and doubt and regret.

Ponder on your heart – and ask your heart if it is gentle and trusting – or if it is hurting and damaged and suffering and without belief that it is safe to open your heart – and ask whether you try to attempt with your mind to control and to force and to manipulate as the means by which you have your needs met – and ponder on the success of the use of your will and your mind to achieve your needs – if this is successful for you.

And allow the angels to assist you to surrender your will, and to align your will with divine will - and to allow the harshness that fills you and the bitterness and lack of trust to be taken from you – as you acknowledge the smallness of your life when lived in bitterness and in the need to control and overpower to receive your needs met.

And apologise to self for this lack of trust – and with the desire, such a deep desire to live and love gently and to receive in return the mirror of your gentleness in every aspect of your life - allow the akashic records of your soul that lie at the core of your need to control and to overpower and to direct every moment of your life – to be released, with karmic absolution for all concerned.

And as the Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Gentle Heart is received, the angels fluff up your heart through all its dimensions, taking away all that is hard and cold and overpowering and untrusting – allowing the heart to fully open in gentle love and trust, and there is such relief and surrender to feel the gentle heart, restoring you to full innocence and trust.

Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Affectionate Love
Recall your loves, your early and greatest loves, where there was trust and affection and joy. And recall the distortions that later occurred, where love was lost and true affection no longer possible – where there was hurt and trust was lost and the heart closed, unable to receive affection, and unable to give affection – as a means of protection – and as a withholding of love in bitterness and revenge and judgement and of manipulation to have your needs met.

And ponder on all that has occurred – and accept that physical life was desired, to experience all of the range of emotions and the dualities – and accept that much has been experienced, all and more beyond that which you ever desired. And accept also that humanity reaches now the end of the experience of the dualities, as the dualities are annihilated and absorbed into oneness with god - accept all that has occurred, not in regret and pain and memory – but just in acceptance – and note your own part in all suffering and ‘own’ your own patterns of distortion that have led to unhappiness and lack of success in love.

And allow all to be taken from you dear ones, for all is but memory and memory is easily enabled to be taken from each dimension of your being by the angelics who attend to you as the akashic records of all existence which lie at the core of the closing of your heart and which has denied you the possibility of offering your heart in affection and denied you the possibility of receiving affection – are released from you. And you are enabled now to receive the Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Affectionate Love – which will bring you the mirror of your own affection.

Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intimate Love
Bring to mind the distortions you have experienced of intimate love, where this love has not received the sanctity and honour and respect that is its due in the mergence of the divine of the masculine and the feminine – and where you have been in need of love and have desecrated the sanctity of intimate love, where you have loved in need and without true and deep love – and where there has been shallowness – and lack of true honour and respect of self and of your sexual partners – and where you have been promiscuous and allowed your own honour to be lost through the pursuit of love which was not divine yet came from need and distortion – then accept and own, without shame or guilt, each instance where you have loved impurely and without regard for the divinity of self and of the other – and surrender and release each and all distortion of intimate love – as you receive the Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intimate Love – and as you hold your intent that you will honour your own divinity and that of the beloved – and will raise your desires to reach that place of divinity within intimate love, in honour, respect and love of self and of the divine other.

And may divine love within divine union be restored to humanity, lost in the times of Ancient Egypt – and may the distortions which all humanity have carried as residue from these times of such great hardship and regret and loss be taken from you, and from humanity.

Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Enamoured Love
Gentle play in love is a gift of the divine – and eros is its name – and across the aeons it has received its distortions. And your own experiences have seen varying levels of mistrust increasingly fill you and prevent the gentle play of trust within enamoured love. And ponder on your own distortions, the beliefs, the regrets, the hurts you have experienced, the abuse of trust, the betrayals that have led you to close your heart and your being down.

And name each instance where you have been betrayed or where you have betrayed, where you have been hurt or where you have hurt another – and allow all to be taken from you – and for apology and forgiveness to now occur within the eyes of god – allowing Archangel Michael to cut the karmic cords that have tied you to unresolved issues of mistrust, heartbreak, fear, anger, harshness, distortion, bitterness, lack of trust and betrayal – and may you be released from these karmic cords and have your freedom and innocence restored – as you make your intent that you will love and play with purity and in honour of the divinity that is your mirror – and receive now the Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Enamoured Love.

Hologram of Romantic Love
Your memories of romantic love in idyllic peace and joy and splendor – when all was seen and imagined in its perfection – before trust was lost and betrayal and pain was experienced – are restored to you. And each instance where love was lost in its idealism and perfection – releases from you, as the memories surface and are taken from you. The pain of love gone wrong, lost, astray, taken, walked from, destroyed, mistaken, rejected, withdrawn, damaged by the distortions of you, and another – is similarly released and taken from you – that you may love again, unhampered by the memories and the fears.

And where you have love and you have allowed its glow to dim and where you have allowed your love to dwindle and to be less than that of which it is capable, and where you have made mistakes and held to you your regrets, your pain, your disappointment, your betrayal – then allow knowledge of what you hold to be brought to the surface where this may be faced, accepted – and released from you as the angels restore you to faith, hope, trust, love and perfection – and the Karmic Board release the wounds and records and memories and experiences from your chakras and your bodies of light of each dimension of your being – as you receive the Hologram of Romantic Love – and make your intent that you will honour love in its purity and perfection – and will see the divine in your beloved other, and treat that one with all due affection and truth within a relationship which mirrors the inherent divinity of each. And make your vow that you will see always the divinity in self and the other, and accept that each does the best of which they are capable and that you have attracted to you your mirror – and may your mirror be that one who is divinely attuned to you as your divine complement.

Hologram of Peaceful and Happy Heart
The wounds of the heart – of childhood, adolescence and adulthood – rise to the surface that you may know them – those which hold you in unhappiness and lack of joy. And those which you have inherited – as disposition and character – which withhold from you the peace of an attitude of contentment and peaceful disposition – are acknowledged by you – and released through the timelines – from 7 generations back – and 7 generations forward – and your DNA receives attention from the angelics who hold expertise in this technology – that your heart may be restored in peace and happiness – and the Hologram of Peaceful and Happy Heart is received.

Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love
Where you have held the apportionment which is the lack of love, where this is that which was apportioned to you at the commencement of receiving form within physical embodiment – then allow father god and the family of light to restore the duality of love to oneness – that you, and all humanity, may know and embody love in every breath and moment of your life. And all memories where you have been denied love, been without love, had hardship in your love experiences which have seen you seek not to receive love for you trust it not in the possibility of its receipt in perfection – are released from you – and the Karmic Board offer for release the distortions within your akashic records which hold you from receiving love in purity and honour and perfection.

Breathe deeply my beloveds as you receive the Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love – that you may receive the love that is your entitlement, that which is your due as one of god’s children who has desired physical embodiment and the enjoyment of all of the pleasures of god’s love in its myriad manifestations.

And may there be love as the fuel which manifests the New World – and may you as a Dreamer of the New World be the recipient of that love which is the fuel and may you embody love in its fullest magnificence and perfection – and in you may shine the mirror which will reflect to all humanity the inherent love that is made available to them alike.


With your breath, receive clearing, repatterning, restoration to original divine blueprint of each crystal, chakra and vortex, portal and gateway of each diamond plate of your multidimensional bodies of light, calling for release of all karmic memories and records of distortion which are held, with grace and ease

- commencing with the diamond plate of Soul DNA
- Genetic DNA
- Physical body
- Etheric body
- Emotional body
- Mental body
- Spiritual body
- Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine body
- Star body
- Solar/Lunar body
- Soul body
- the body of Divine Presence
- and the multidimensional soul gateways

Cleared of distortions, and your bodies of light ablaze with flowing light, breathe these energies into your being, held by angels and Masters – as you now unburden your heart of all suffering and pain and confusion – receiving transmissions of grace and many blessings of love.


And travelling deeper now into the heart, breathe deeply, deeply cocooned in soft love, as we travel to the temple of your heart, a beautiful temple with a golden domed ceiling and sparkling white columns of crystal quartz and mosaics and geometries of deepest rose quartz on the floors and walls.

There are 4 angels – your own personal angelic guides who make their connection with you, and pulse you with their love – as you ask for their assistance and guidance in those areas of your life where you are needing help. These ones are waiting for your permission, to help you – if you ask for their help – as they are so willing and ready to help in every area of your life.

Held by angels you are able to acknowledge in yourself the patterns you hold – of distortion, of sadness and pain and disempowerment, fear, anger, chaos, disillusion, jealousy, judgement, impatience, bitterness, lack of trust and lack of faith, and confusion and lack of direction – and acknowledge your own part in any challenges that are playing out in your life, and accept that within the Law of Attraction you have attracted to you what you hold as distortion and as karmic records of your soul – and may surrender and hand over all distortion and pain, sadness, disempowerment, loneliness and lack of trust – as the Karmic Board offers for release with full karmic absolution the original akashic records of your soul which lie beneath and at the core of the patterns you have acknowledged. In special dispensation, the akashic records of your soul are offered for release across all timelines and all dimensions, with karmic absolution and without the need for further initiations.

Within your heart temple you are able now to offer acceptance and forgiveness for all that has happened in your lifetime – bringing to forgiveness all that may be unresolved in your lifetime, forgiving father and mother and brothers and sisters, children, loved ones, lovers, friends and acquaintances with whom you have unresolved issues that create pain for you – as you are assisted to forgive now and to allow the past to be put behind you – as Archangel Michael cuts the karmic cords which may have tied you to painful experiences and memories which are connected to experiences of ancient times of disempowerment and pain and sadness which have pulled you so often into the disempowerment and sadness of your memories of the past.

And within the temple of your heart we may find those aspects of self which are wounded and in separation and in fear – soul extensions of past and parallel lifetimes who are wounded and suffering – as you acknowledge where you are in pain and fear and disempowerment and suffering, anger, chaos, disillusion, lack of faith, and confusion and lack of clarity and direction – acknowledging the existence of the distortions that create all of your life experiences - and these aspects of self, soul extensions, receive cosmic tools of healing – as you open your heart to these ones in love of them and of their experiences – as a rainbow bridge of light is anchored into your heart to allow these ones to return to you, healed and no longer in separation and in sabotage of you and your path – and they return in a steady stream – and will continue – until all parts which are in separation receive their return Home in wholeness.


And you may unburden the heart of all that saddens and limits you – receiving many transmissions of healing and restoration – as your heart and your being open further – to your higher purpose and life mission and destiny – and you may open yourself to receive knowledge of your life path and direction – for this to make itself known – and to receive the transmissions of blessings that your life path may align, and all destiny partners and destiny opportunities may be put in place, and received – with impulses of bravery and courage, trust, faith and love received now.


And there is a turquoise pool within the temple of your heart – and assisted by angels to untie your golden cord of divinity from around your waist, and to take off your robe of purest white – you may safely dive into the pool in the temple of your heart – and wash off all remaining distortion and pain and fear, doubt, sadness and grief – as all washes away and is taken from you.

And you may offer yourself forgiveness for any imperfection, any error of judgement or mistake you have ever made – and apologise to those you may have hurt – and receive their forgiveness.

And those who have hurt you and caused you grief and pain – within the temple of your heart you are assisted and able to forgive these ones – and to see the bigger picture – that you have chosen your karmic partners to play out between you the imbalances which will ultimately set you free of the distortions of ages past – and to accept now the release of all blame and judgement and pain and separation and grief – as the cords between you and each of your karmic partners where there are unresolved issues between you – are cut, with karmic absolution – and an end is put to all initiations of karmic redress and imbalance.

Ablaze with light, with all gateways opened, cleared, activated – with karmic distortions and blockages released – open yourself now to receive repatterning and restoration of your angelic matrix and angelic master body, your initial divine state, upon which all other higher bodies of light may anchor – as your angelic wings are restored to you – and the angelic gifts are returned.

Your galactic presence signature is activated through all chakras and bodies of light – as you open yourself to receive the restoration of your soul gifts, higher gifts of light.

Allow the higher multidimensional bodies of light to be received, and for connection with the love, light, power and creation grids of heaven and of earth, and for all processes to be put in place for your ultimate wholeness, and ascension with your god.

With love allow your keepership to be activated and anchored to earth – that you may embody your mastery and magnificence.

The Crystal of Disengagement is anchored and activated – that you may rise above all lower realities – and reside in the New World – detaching from physical distortion and pain, as you open your heart, and take your awareness up and above the third dimension and its cares and concerns and struggles of fear and suffering – and receive reconnection with the godstreams – where all is unlimited – without pain or limitation – experiencing disengagement and detachment from lower reality suffering and pain – and bliss, peace, safety and freedom from care – as you safely flow in the energies of the divine - and this may be your new reality, of unlimitedness, joy, peace, fulfillment and love.

Your Council of Light intensifies their love as your Galactic Presence, Divine Presence anchors and commences mergence with you –- and as all energies of transmission of excellence and wholeness now receive alignment.

Open your hearts, your beings, in gratitude – and allow your heart’s deepest dreams to surface with yearning and love.

What are your dreams for your life? If money, and time, and opportunity, was not an issue – what is it that you would love to do, that would create in you such joy and fulfillment? We are meant to create in joy, and play – and it is that which we do most easily, and with most joy – that is our gift to the world.

Ask for the opportunities you require – to allow you to step forward into the life of your highest and deepest dreams.

And open your hearts to receive the blessings of the angels and holy ones - in gratitude and joy receive.

And as you expand in gratitude, original divinity now experienced in the fullest flows of love, and as your path of magnificence opens to you with such assistance and support given in all areas of your life, your heart and your being opens wide to enable you to receive the Holograms of Divine Perfection, singing the mantras to allow these to anchor through you and to Gaia and to her sacred portals and grids of light












And as the worlds separate and shift, the new etheric body for Gaia is achieved, holding all of the templates and holograms of perfection, holding the ideal and dream and possibility for perfection for each of her inhabitants. And open your hearts and your beings in willingness to live your reality as one which interconnects with Gaia’s highest reality – in the ideals of trust, truth, love, sharing, equality, justice and plenty from which you will expand your energies outwards – to live the life of your dreams. And as the shift occurs, and the old world with its many distortions is left behind – accept your placement upon your destiny path as a Dreamer of the New World, one who lives a higher reality of all possibility within the deepest core of your highest heart’s dreams. And make your intent, in willingness to continue to break free from every distortion that comes into your life, to live the life of your fullest dreams of fulfillment on earth and in completion of your divine life contracts.

And as you flow in the blissful streams of godliness, receive all the support and love that will sustain all of your days within your life plan as leaders and Dreamers of the New World – flowing with the godstreams - as you make your requests, and receive all that you require for fulfillment, peace, and connection with the divine that will sustain every area of your life. You are revered for your roles and all that you request as that which will bring most ease, grace, fulfillment and love is given you.

With joy and love, in wholeness and bliss and empowered as Dreamers to play your role as divine models and holograms of divinity, share with your voices the anchoring of the Divine Templates as the worlds shift and move and all possibilities are put in place - toning and sounding and making your Oms - to share with humanity the new realities made possible by your group work, and with Gaia and her portals, her waterways and oceans and with her animals and devas and realms and kingdoms and with humanity. I Am Divine Father God.


In September I was given 100 Divine Holograms of Divine Perfection, Creation Blueprints of Divine Wholeness to anchor to earth as part of the planetary work we share in Dreaming the New World. The templates are grouped into 9 monthly activations –

1. Hologram of Physical Perfection
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Health
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Fearlessness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Joy
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Happiness
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Peace
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Plenty
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Equality
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Justice
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Impermeability
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Implausibility

2. Holograms of Wholeness
Hologram of Innocence
Hologram of Purity
Hologram of Vitality
Hologram of Courage
Hologram of Faith
Hologram of Serenity
Hologram of Truth
Hologram of Integrity
Hologram of Perfection of Attitude
Hologram of Acceptance
Hologram of Contentment
Hologram of Fulfillment
Hologram of Satisfaction
Hologram of Capability
Hologram of Competency
Hologram of Equilibrium
Hologram of Approbation
Hologram of Merit

3. Hologram of Beauty
Hologram of Simplicity
Hologram of Unconditionality
Hologram of Reason

4. Hologram of Release of Sorrow
Hologram of Release of Guilt
Hologram of Release of Regret
Hologram of Release of Anger
Hologram of Release of Bitterness
Hologram of Release of Jealousy

5. Hologram of God
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Inter-Connection with the Divine
Hologram of Linking and Interconnection with Illustrious Planet of Origin
Hologram of Co-operative Support by the Divine
Hologram of Divine Inspiration
Hologram of Divine Providence
Hologram of Luck and Synchronistic Connection with All That Is
Hologram of Divine Support of Creation
Hologram of Trust in the Divine
Hologram of Susceptibility to the Divine
Hologram of Acknowledgement of the Divine
Hologram of Gratitude and Love of the Divine

6. Hologram of Divine Perfection
Hologram of Divinity
Hologram of Restoration to Wholeness with the Divine
Hologram of Angelic Restoration to Divine Blueprint
Hologram of Restoration of Bodies of Light and Multidimensionality
Hologram of Galactic Gifts and Nature
Hologram of Illustriousness
Hologram of Divine Mind
Hologram of Impeccability
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Clarity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Speech, Oration, Truth
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Power
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positivity
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Positive Thought
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Focus
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intent
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Creativity
Hologram of Creation Ability

7. Hologram of Love
Hologram of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Divine Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Heart Opening
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Gentle Heart
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Affectionate Love
Hologram of the Divine Power and Gift of Intimate Love
Hologram of Enamoured Love
Hologram of Romantic Love
Hologram of Peaceful and Happy Heart
Hologram of Release of the Apportionment of the Duality of Love

8. Hologram of Perfection
Hologram of Divine Plan
Hologram of Soul Path
Hologram of Life Path
Hologram of Soul Purpose
Hologram of Divine Path
Hologram of Soul Partners
Hologram of Mergence with Soul Partners
Hologram of Soul Gifts
Hologram of Fruition of Heart’s Dreams
Hologram of Success

9. Hologram of New World
Hologram of the New World
Hologram of Children of the Divine
Hologram of Simplistic Creation
Hologram of Evolution
Hologram of Education

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together.

Blueprints for the New Human each Thursday at 10 am Bali time – if you would like to tune in and connect with and receive with the group in Bali, you can use to convert Bali time to your local time. Ask that your energies be aligned with those of us in Bali to receive the holograms … I will be singing the language of light to allow these holograms to anchor through each of us and you may receive by asking that the timelines be aligned so that you are connected with our group in Bali and with others around the world who join hearts and dreams together

‘The earth changes may receive their culmination when a percentage of 30% of humanity is in heightened reconnection with the divine within, and the relentless nature of the continuing destruction-based onslaughts will, by the great heart opening that occurs in sadness at the continuing levels of huge pain and loss within brother and sister that results, bring heightened levels of divinity which may reach its timely commencement with the hallowed time of such speculation (2012). And so it is not the destruction that occurs that is the prime reason for the losses, but it is the heart opening and softening and love of one for another, one for all, that is the fulcrum which, in rising from disillusionment towards sad love of others, lifts all from the percentile reached, and indeed the fulcrum of love and hope propels all upon their journey Home.’ Lady Ashtar

We all play our role in this great heart opening that is occurring,
sharing our love and our wholeness with humanity
that the hearts of all may open, and we may journey Home.