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Feb 27, 2012

Hologram from the Miraculous Realms ~ SURRENDER TO THE PEACE WITHIN THE DIVINE PLAN ~

Saturday 3 March -10am


So much has been experienced in the anchoring to earth of last month’s Hologram of Acceptance – so many sadnesses and griefs and disappointments of lightworkers have received transmutation through the star of creation – across all of the aeons of existence the dualities, the distortions, the akashic records, the suffering – release, travelling backwards in time, unraveling the suffering as if it did not ever occur – yet retaining the wisdom that has been gained over all experience.

So much has travelled back in recent weeks to the star of creation – it is as if every breath, every thought, every experience, every suffering, every isolation, every disappointment, every sadness, every chaos and every confusion – has journeyed back - blessed with the gift of love and acceptance – and unraveled, and transformed into its perfection of original soul intent, soul thought as the mind of god.

The star of creation is the mind of god when it first expanded into the desire for experience and knowledge of self - the star of creation was the thought of the mind of god - and it then created other stars, universes, multi-cosmos, humanity, earth, animals.

‘The star of creation was the vehicle of the mind of god, placing into form humanity and its planet earth - and so that which was placed into form - and which encompassed the dualities which then gave rise to such suffering and distortion – may now – through the star of creation – receive annihilation of all that which was of duality and of distortion - to relieve all suffering - and to reweave, crossing all timelines and all dimensions - to replace with Oneness with the love of god - reversing the pain and suffering - while yet retaining the expansion of all manner of experience that has been gained over all of the aeons of human and earthly life – and that of animals and humans, and of all sentient beings – may be reversed in the release of all suffering - and retaining that which has been gained as wisdom.’ Lord Ashtar

We are set on the path now of unraveling the dualities, weaving back through time to bring all back to Oneness and original creation purity. And we have reached a place where the karmic plane may now be dismantled – wondrous shifts now possible.

The entrapment by forces of darkness of so many lightworkers in ancient existences, experienced still along the timelines to create such suffering and disempowerment – was dissolved – so many dark energies, dark ones – were put as if under a spotlight – shown, not able to hide - so that in calling to the angels for assistance, these ones could be removed and taken to the ashrams of the Ascended Masters for entrainment and for the continuation of their paths to higher planes – freeing the energies of so many lightworkers. Another layer and level of darkness which originated backwards in time across the aeons was dissolved. So many levels of darkness, slowly unraveling – we have seen.

Much heaviness personally to be in these energies – and with my monad, soul family, many of us have had great confusion, sadness, pain and many challenges. We hold the strength and purity for this work – but there has been much suffering along the way, though such great assistance also.

Each time we experience the recurring patterns which surface – and react in higher ways which encompass the wisdom we have gained across all of our path of light – new realities are then allowed to pass along the pathways back to godhead – to create new realities, new outcomes – which are then given their possibility. These pathways once traversed and opened – pathways of ascension - are then available for all to similarly travel – back to the god realms of original creation. In walking these pathways of ascension personally, the pathways are opened so that all may travel along higher parallels of existence, bringing great acceleration to the ascension process for all.

So we are unraveling the distortions of all creation – and travelling back to original purity – and it is from this place of purity, and with the wisdom that has been gained over all creation – that lightworkers will build and found the new world – for we know so well that which went awry, and know so well, all of us, that which we yearn for as the foundation upon which we all live and love – in faith, truth, purity, peace, justice, sharing, equality, freedom, abundance and full interconnection with the divine.

Having been brought recently so many times to the need to surrender absolutely to the divine – for indeed there has been no other alternative – in this activation the Hologram of Surrender to the Peace within the Divine Plan is now anchored to earth.

This planetary work has not become easier; in fact the reverse has been true. As we come closer to the possibility of Miracles – so much is asked of us who participate together as Dreamers of the New World – to allow the Miracles to be the reality on which the new world will build. It is the Holograms from the Miraculous Realms that create miracles in allowing new ways of being, acting, reacting – and creating new pathways of ascension.

This activation offers much Peace – in assisting us to surrender fully to the roles we have chosen – and to resist complaining, judging, arguing and suffering. In letting go of our constant resistance – there is such relief and peace to just accept all of our life – and to accept that we have chosen all of our life experiences. In the acceptance – trust and peace enters and a window opens to a higher connection to the divine. Where we resist – is where we suffer. In being assisted to dissolve our resistance – and to accept – so many blockages also dissolve - and we are enabled to step to higher planes and frequencies which bring miracles within our life purpose.

In this activation we are led to those which are the wounds of our soul, those which pull us up so frequently – and receive such assistance to acknowledge the grief, disappointment, betrayals, regrets, fears and blocks – where life goes wrong for us – for these lead us to know of the deep, hidden wounds of our soul. It is a gift to discover these soul wounds – for they have been held for aeons – and to receive their release, bringing such peace and the ability now to surrender and trust.

We also gain such a vitally important over-view of the entire course of all of our lives – and of why we have suffered, why we have had suffering experiences, why we have had people in our lives who have betrayed us, disappointed us, mistreated us – allowing us to Accept all that has occurred. Acceptance is so vitally important on our paths. It is one of the huge pointers that must be reached – before true fulfillment in life purpose may be attained. So many of us stay stuck in the familiar story of giving so much energy to our disappointments, of what we don’t have, excuses that we lay at the feet of our suffering – and of blaming all suffering onto others, and onto god. It achieves nothing other than bitterness and wasted energy.


With the star of creation now anchored to earth, we can reweave all experience, journey back to the mind of god, and delete all the suffering - and bring with us all the wisdom and additional radiance that has been gained. Even after coming through challenge and sadness - there is then extra radiance and gratitude afterwards – which would not have been known without the experience of the challenge and suffering.

Now there is the journey back to the beginning - and we will rewind things, reweaving all experiences - and making them good ones this time - releasing all distortions and taking a higher road - and each time we do this it creates a pathway of ascension - which allows all to similarly take this higher road. The Miracle Holograms create these pathways of ascension – creating miracles to allow new ways of being, acting, reacting. We have to remember not to expect the old challenges and distortions now - but to expect perfection - and then to attract this as a result. This is our path as Dreamers of the New World.

May we be blessed by the angels on our paths and may our dreams hold all humanity as the New World opens and builds.
Astrea Sri Ana

You can use this activation at any time and as often as you feel to. In tuning in with the group in Bali, asking and intending that you be aligned same time, same place, you will receive especial acceleration. Let me know if you would like to be specially called in and named. In Bali all are welcome to join the activations each month at the Temple of Heaven in Ubud.


How to Work with the Codes of Sacred Geometry
Print the hologram. Holding the hologram at arms length, sing the mantra and look at the geometries. Sing the mantra at least 3 times ... and then while still looking at the hologram, draw it towards your body slowly until it rests against your third eye ... and hold it there until you feel complete. Repatterning occurs to the electro-magnetic field of your bodies of light. The process of restoration is ongoing and the holograms may be used regularly, daily.


Akashic record channeled readings
Astrea has a beautiful gift to find and release the original core memories and experiences you may hold as an akashic record which manifests as patterns of recurring disempowerment, trauma, pain and suffering. More information at this link


The Path of the Mystic Sacred Mystery School July 7-14 2012
7 day sacred mystery school at the Temple of Heaven – a wondrous experience to step into your life path and embodiment of your higher soul gifts – held in the embrace of the Ascended Masters and angels and family of light. There is much information on the sacred mystery school experience at this link

‘The Star of Creation, all codes successfully activated and anchored to earth, transforms and transmutes all memories of creation – and all possibilities of new creation, based on the divine realms of god, the miraculous realms, are now centered within your Temple of Heaven – this is the base from which miracles may originate. Specific intents may be offered and using the Miracle hologram as facilitator, creations of original intent may now manifest into creations of miracles ..… to have a specific intent, and use the miraculous holograms to create outcomes … these form the basis and foundation of the new world.’ Divine Father God

From The Miraculous Realms Of God

As you breathe deeply, held in the embrace of the angels and Masters, the holy ones, enveloped in the love of Father and Mother God, accept assistance as each of the chakras of your multidimensional bodies of light is opened, activated, restored to divine magnificence.

Your heart is assisted to open in fullest splendour, as you surrender up the wounds of the heart, the heartbreaks, disappointments, regrets, betrayals – all sadness is taken from your beloved heart.

Your throat chakra opens, unfurls in truth and purity – releasing the wounds of truth as you acknowledge these – the challenges to speak truthfully in all of your relationships, to speak of your needs, to place your point of view powerfully, in purity and truth – as the distortions, disempowerments, challenges are taken from you.

Barriers, cobwebs which impair your vision of far worlds release from your third eye.

Your crown chakra is assisted to open, and to widen so that the fullest pulses and streams of divine light may enter – and your higher ascension chakras are assisted to open, to activate and to be restored – and for your full column connection to the multidimensional realms and to all realms of importance to you to be restored, opened, activated, connected – as you bathe in the glow of divine light which fills you, passing through your upper chakras into your heart – receiving waves of bliss and peace which envelop you.

And attending now to your lower chakras – the divine pulses of light clearing pathways of divine power and love through your being.

The fears and anxieties release from your solar plexus – confusion and challenge releases – as you acknowledge what are the fears and challenges of recent times and those which you hold over from earlier times.

Your centre of power, your hara at your navel is opened, activated – as you bring to mind any issues of power and powerlessness – as these release.

Your sacral chakra opens, activates, receives assistance – as your creative gifts stir and are enhanced.

Your base chakra where you may hold issues of lack of trust and faith, of lack, of struggle, of not having your needs met – receives so much assistance, releasing distortion, struggle, lack – and connecting you and your energies safely down now to the centre of the earth – to the love, light, power and creation grids which hold importance for the embodiment of your love, light and power and creation abilities upon earth - and to Gaia’s crystal heart – fully and divinely connected between heaven and earth – and all your needs may always be met in this place of connection and security.

The multidimensional bodies of light anchor – that of the angelic master body, the original divine body of light – upon which all other bodies of light may now anchor according to your readiness – among them are the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine bodies, Solar/Lunar body, Divine Child body, Archangelic presence, Star body, Galactic presence, Christed Planetary presence, Divine presence - and the higher gifts of these bodies of light may receive embodiment incrementally – with such assistance given for ease in this transformation.

And these steps are given you, that you may walk more strongly upon your path – and able to have compassion for all that you have experienced, and given, and been – and all that is still to come – in the embodiment of mastery – for this is your path – of mastery – this is why you are here.

And first there are steps to relieve you of the burdens of the wounds of the soul that you have incurred as a result of your experiences over the aeons of time. We walk you through the steps beloved, with angels walking alongside, to the left and to the right and before and behind and above and below you are held in light – as with Divine Mother God we journey to the wounds of the soul – that these may be taken from you – so that in this release you may be enabled to receive the Miracle of Surrender and Peace and Trust in the Divine Plan.

In your life beloved, what have been the great griefs?

What have been the great disappointments?

What have been the betrayals?

What are the great regrets?

What are the great fears?

What are the great disempowerments: - where you are without power - where you give power to others - where you allow others to take your power - and where you take power from others?

What has been your great stuckness? Where do you get stuck and unable to move forward? And why – what are the fears and doubts – the factors in your life that keep you stuck in situations that are not perfect for you?

What have been the great blocks :
- to peace
- to fulfillment
- to success
- to love
- to health
- to well being
- to joy
- to abundance?

What are the patterns that own you and control you and limit you? And what have been the consequences?

What are your dreams for your life?
And what stops you from stepping into those dreams?
What are the blocks, the fears?

What are the wounds of the soul?

Beloveds, that which you have addressed in these last minutes are the wounds of the soul. You have chosen in this life that the deep wounds of the soul will emerge and be known to you – so that you may release all that holds you from stepping into power and mastery within your life purpose. And so the wounds of the soul shine like a mirror reflecting thorough the patterns, blocks, sadnesses, betrayals, fears and regrets of all of your life.

Held by angels, you are asked to only Accept your soul wounds - your behaviours, patterns, blocks, fears, sadness – not with guilt, for there are very real reasons why you hold imperfections, based on the nature of your earlier experiences in service to the divine and in the receipt of the dualities and the karmic plane - and to Accept that your life experiences in this current lifetime have been chosen specially to reflect and mirror to you the deep wounds you hold in your soul, retained from the nature of all of your experiences across time – for it is so important that you know of these wounds – so that they may be addressed – and healed and released.

Accept beloveds all that is and all that has been – as the angels and masters hold you and pulse you with all of the coloured rays of the divine realms – to allow you to Accept all that is and all that has been.

And surrender now these which are the wounds of the soul – naming these silently:

– the griefs
– disappointments
– betrayals
– great regrets
– fears
– disempowerment
– stuckness
– fears – doubts
– lack of trust
– blockages
– patterns
- behaviours
– inability to step forward into the life of your dreams.

And receive the release of these deep soul wounds – releasing the akashic records which are the wounds of the soul beloved – for they hold the records of the nature of all that you have experienced which has grievously wounded you and held you from peace, power, truth, love, flow, ease, grace, abundance, fulfillment.

With karmic absolution the akashic records of your soul are transmuted and divinely erased – as you Accept – allowing great waves of relief, gratitude, joy, acceptance – and with the ability to trust and for faith to again be known and embodied.

The angels journey with you back along the pathways of creation, to the god realms beloved, from whence you first made these first steps away from god into individuation – and we alight at the ashrams of the masters and at the hallowed halls of records where is retained all wisdom and knowledge gained over all experience.

Having released the sadness and pain – regained is the wisdom and knowledge – as we journey back to god, to original divinity, purity – unraveling time and experience – and reweaving all back into Oneness with god.

In this place of such wonder, restored in Oneness with god, with all creation, with understanding now and Acceptance of the path – having put aside judgement and blame of god and others for the nature of your path and of the suffering from the dualities and from the karmic plane which resulted – having put aside all resistance, anger, hatred, fear, blame – you are taken further into the heart and mind of god – into ascension – and in this place of such wondrous and great love, the all-encompassing greatness and all-absorbing wonder of the love of the god realms – you are able to Surrender to all that you are, to all that has been – and in Trust – to Surrender to the Divine Plan and to your own place within that Plan – that path which was chosen with your own cognizance and agreement.

Allow all resistance, all suffering, all pain to now release – allow all blocks to Surrender to dissolve – and fall into the love of god in his all-encompassing compassion and knowledge – become at One with god in compassion and knowledge – receiving embodiment of Divine Mind, the mind of god – which allows now full Surrender and trust in the divine and in the divine plan.

The complexity of the divine plan, complex beyond understanding – held under governorship by the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command – and with so many battalions, countless, beyond number, of angels and divine ones – holds you and your own place within that role – for you are known, revered and valued for your role – and all is given you that you may take up this role – releasing you from your disempowerment and suffering and pain – all is given you for the ease of your embodiment of mastery and fulfillment within the life of your dreams which is your own life path.

In deep bliss, flowing in the godstreams, held by angels – with knowledge now of source, of evolution, and of all creation – for this is held by you now as the mind of god – you are able to deeply Surrender to the Peace within the Divine Plan, as the Hologram from the Miraculous Realms is received by you and anchored to earth that all humanity may similarly know this trust and surrender and connection with the divine. Flowing in deep Peace, may you know this now as your reality.

And we sing the mantra for the hologram of Surrender to the Peace within the Divine Plan to allow this to be received – and to be anchored to earth as a reality – as a Miracle of Peace from the realms of god to enable all to accept their path of embodiment – the path which has journeyed across all manner of experience, through loss and lack, poverty, impoverishment, war, hatred, ill health, and grief and suffering – yet achieving such wonders of experience, truth, love, radiance, transcendence, wisdom and knowledge, expanding the mind of god and of all creation – and journeying now back to god with this knowledge and wisdom, and reweaving the experiences to relinquish and fully release the suffering – and that which remains is the enchantment of life, of living, held in the arms of god – in deep surrender to the divine plan – for we have reached that moment across all of the aeons when completion is possible – and each plays their role to bring about this completion – with such reverence given each of you for that individual role you play, in the perfection of the divine plan.

(sounded Kee Ar Ar Ar Har Ar See’Ar’Ar Kar Har Ar Nar Har’ar )

On behalf of all humanity you allow this deep Surrender to Peace within the Divine Plan to anchor through you, in truth and fullness, and to descend through your being and to Gaia and to her grids of light - and to all of her sacred portals and along her dreaming lines, her lei lines and her oceans and rivers may this Surrender to Peace spread – to lighten the burden of humanity and of Gaia – and to allow all to traverse their journey of ascension back to godliness, held in the abyss of god’s love.

Breathe deeply as Peace and Surrender anchor to earth, anchoring through you and to Lady Gaia and to her grids of light.

Open your purest hearts of light and love and allow the love of your being to widen, to expand and to fill your being in its expansion and greatness – and share your love in widening bands of perfection and of Surrender and Peace – to fill your being in understanding of the path of humanity, the path of all experience – and expand further, linking with others around the world – linking your circles of light – linking countries of residence – and with your beloveds – naming these, those in countries close – and far – those who are your beloveds.

And linking with those who are Dreamers of the New World - and expanding further now as you link together, exponentially receiving great expansion as the frequencies of each receive connection – and expanding wider, deeper.

All Dreamers of the New World may now link and connect, sharing your frequencies and your love with all lightworkers – that all may receive the frequencies of Surrender and Peace and trust in the divine plan that will allow them to shift beyond suffering, beyond resistance and pain and suffering - into Acceptance and Surrender of all that is and all that has been – Acceptance and Surrender and trust that the journey continues and all is well, for the Galactic Federation assures we make such gains in the successful path of return home in ascension with our god – and hold the frequencies for these ones, that they may receive these energies gracefully – hold them that they may sustain these frequencies of highest light.

And share now with humanity, those who have desire at the deepest core of their being, even though it be unknown to them physically - the desire for wholeness and Oneness with their god, and for ascension – and expand and expand to hold these ones of humanity who desire to return to wholeness and Oneness and to godliness.

And you may tone and sound and sing your Oms and your language of light – to anchor these deep energies of love – and the rays and miracles of Surrender to the Peace within the Divine Plan – that all may receive the miracle of Surrender and Peace – restored to earth from the realms of creation.

You are beloved of god and the angels and masters and family of light for your Dreaming and for your love. You are held always in purest light – and greatness is achieved this day. I Am Father God.